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MJshenriette said about One Direction
Mr. x? Anyone? Posted over a year ago
cpuppy45656 commented…
can someone please tell me what that was about? i don't know who that is over a year ago
harry_ginny33 commented…
@cpuppy45656 The whole Mr. X thingy is pretty crazy and kinda scary! Some people say that he predicted Payzer to be back together on December 2nd before it happens and predicted Haylor being seen together...He was saying that he'd go to the MSG concert and try to kill the boys..He kept saying stuff about a Larry Storm and some weird stuff, they actually scared the hell outta me and it turns out he was real cos a guy with a gun was caught during the boys MSG performance..He says that us Direcioners are not acting like a family anymore! The whole thing quite confuses me and scares me a lot but thank God he was caught and lets hope that there will never be other things like this.. over a year ago
MJshenriette commented…
Where have you seen that, with the gun? over a year ago
what is that asian bitch's twitter name??? :D Posted over a year ago
Walsh97 commented…
link over a year ago
UmOkayThen commented…
That's really rude !! over a year ago
lanamoonwalker commented…
^shut up -_- over a year ago
parisilove said …
Please add me back!!! Posted over a year ago
Nikii is a liar, this site is a big fat L-I-E, I was a fan before, and it was sooooo good when you asked us to report those posters!! But now, you are supporting one of them? God!!!! Nikii IS FAKE !!! Or, she is not- yes she is real, but her claimning about she is princes GF is a lie - I could say that too, make a profile on youtube saying that he is my BF, and you would believe me??? - NONE from the Jackson family is following her, or her ''BF'' Prince on twitter? WAKE UP PEOPLE
THIS IS A L-I-E Posted over a year ago
princemjforlife commented…
MJshenriette commented…
Girl, I am not a noob! I have been a fan in here since 2009 bitch ! over a year ago
MJshenriette commented…
Am i a bitch and a noop? HA HA HA you're naiv! NO ONE OF THE JACKSONS IN FOLLOWING THEM ! WAKE UP BITCH ! over a year ago
Princess_Ai gave me props for my videos
Thanks for adding me. ;D Posted over a year ago
natulle gave me props for my images
Hej (: Jeg kommer også fra Danmark (: Posted over a year ago
iluvmichaelj gave me props for my answers
Happy New Year,may all your dreams come true,may good health always follow you,bring blessings to your family,this year may you build memories and make a treasure,may this year bring you much pleasure,and happiness in your heart,may you find joy and never be sad ,may this year open the door for new opportunites,may this year be the best year you've ever had!!! So,happy NEW YEAR 2010 !!!
Love ya,iluvmichaelj!!! :) Posted over a year ago
iluvmichaelj gave me props for my answers
Hi,can you join my new club:"God-The Creator",if you belive in god,if you are thankful to god for who you are than you could do this.But only if you want join: link !!!

Thank you!!!Much respect,iluvmichaelj!!!
Oh,and one more think,I love your icon,you are so so so beautiful !!! Posted over a year ago
iluvmichaelj gave me props for my comments
Hi !!! Posted over a year ago