Miss Laura

Fanpopping since June 2012

  • 31 years old
  • England , United Kingdom
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MissLauraa said about Andy Sixx
Not here to hate, but simply here to write a perfomance review from download 2012.
Overall the perfomance from other band members was very good, but andy sadly let himself down alot. From the moment He walked out His attuiude stunk of something of somewhat rotton! He was so arrogent and big headed, the crowd did not take to him at all! and He didnt try to make any connection to the crowd , He decided to call everyone " mother fuckers " so , no wonder someone decided to throw something at him! Posted over a year ago
rhiaburnell commented…
I completely disagree wiv u I didnt go 2 download this yr but if Andy woz in a shit mood that day so wot hes human .It annoys the hell out of me that people think that when ur a celbrity ure always gunna b in a gd mood 24/7 coz it doesnt happen.As 4 the twat that threw something @ him they woz blatantly a h8r coz no true member of the army would throw anything @ Andy...except themself lol...p.s sorry if my language has offended any1 over a year ago
MissLauraa commented…
Lmfao, you just said it yourself you didnt go to download, so how the hell would you know what went on ? so what if he was in a shit mood ? we paid alot of money to go there and pisses me off when people come out on stage being cocky and look at me. He was arrogent, and tbh dear BVB only attract little 15 year old girls who pretened to hate their lives when they know sweet f/a so you cant dissagree with at all you wasnt there :P over a year ago
mystigal_96 commented…
just think yourselves lucky u get to see him at concerts. i cant EVER go to one of their concerts cos i hav epilepsy. just sayin... over a year ago