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jpaddict1993 said …
Hey I am adding everyone who is a fan of Jurassic Park Posted over a year ago
Roxas1314 said …
Seriously, fix Fatal Crest. It is not any of the choices you have listed for that question. Posted over a year ago
MovieLover89 commented…
I tried. It wouldn't let me edit the answers... over a year ago
MovieLover89 commented…
I found a way to fix it. over a year ago
Annabeth_32 gave me props for my images
hey can you add me? Posted over a year ago
MovieLover89 said about Jurassic Park
The fourth film is finally being made? It's about time!! My inner-nerd just did a happy dance! Posted over a year ago
HousesCane commented…
Lol, I'm excited too! over a year ago
Annabeth_32 commented…
me too jurassic park is one of my favorite movies :) over a year ago
jpaddict1993 commented…
I abousolotly love JP over a year ago
MovieLover89 said about Jurassic Park
I can't stop reading the novels! They are GOOD. I mean seriously, if you're hesitant about reading the story, worried that it'll ruin the movie for you. It won't! Both versions, novel and movie, are great! Posted over a year ago
Harpaw8 commented…
I will get it now!! over a year ago
MovieLover89 commented…
:) over a year ago
MovieLover89 said about Jurassic Park
Just got the DVD trilogy! Happy dance!! Posted over a year ago
jp1-3penguin commented…
haha over a year ago
Annabeth_32 commented…
lol over a year ago
MovieLover89 said about Jurassic Park
If I posted the link to my own, original story for Jurassic Park 4, would anyone care to read it? It's not a script or a full story, just a short, quick idea that got stuck in my head. Posted over a year ago