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MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
Omg! I just noticed something! When Elena was saying goodbye to everyone she showed herself as teenage human S1ish Elena because she thought that's how they preferred her, but with Damon she showed herself as the mature young woman she has become because she knows he has always accepted her no matter what. Which makes me hate that, Stefan knows her best crap they keep saying. Posted over a year ago
MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
Was I the only one who thought, so Damon is Batman now? When he was standing on the clock tower. Lol Posted over a year ago
delenafan123 commented…
LOL I totally did!! Im like Damon is now the watcher of Mystic Falls haha over a year ago
MrsDamonSal commented…
Yes! Great minds and all that lol. over a year ago
MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
I wish we could all be in the same room filled with tissues and ice cream to help us all get through this. I'm virtually holding all your hands. Posted over a year ago
MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
So. Not. Ready. For. Tonight. Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
i hear you. i feel ill just thinking about this being the very last scenes we will ever see with them. and the last time too. over a year ago
MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
So everyone is assuming Kai links Elena to Bonnie and she can only wake up when Bonnie dies and I'm already seeing Team Kill Bonnie, Team Die Bon Bon Die lol. The Bamonators are besides themselves lol. Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
lol if this isnt a clear indication that elenas departure will tear this show apart, then i dont know what is. over a year ago
big smile
MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
Damon said he wants to be Elena's husband, partner, and father of her kids. I'm just gonna live in denial and imagine they got their wish until next week. Posted over a year ago
MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
Ugh! I'm seeing so many people saying how selfish Damon is being because he didn't consult Stefan. Funny how they all seem to forget that Stefan said in S4 that he'd turn human for Elena. I don't remember him having a sit down with his big bro. You know, the one he forced to become a vampire and then pretty much ignored or put down for 150 years. Posted over a year ago
teampetrova commented…
Their beloved Stefan was the one who forced Damon to turn into a vampire. Maybe they should do a series rewatch. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
Damon selfish, what, and Stefan is the picture of morality right?? Don't make me laugh please! over a year ago
MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
So DE basically got married on their porch, Elena says "I love you" Damon says "Till death do us part" and she takes the cure. Then they have her kinda rip his heart out because of what he said about not wanting to turn during the sire bond nonsense. And instead of having him explain that he was worried she wouldn't love him as a human and he be left with nothing, which makes total sense, they have him say that was so long ago. S7 better end with mommy Salvatore ok again, Stefan and Caroline... Posted over a year ago
MrsDamonSal commented…
Together together, so poor defendant Stefan won't be alone and Damon can go find Elena and start a family with her. over a year ago
panther-jewel commented…
I completely agree with you and also waited for him to mention the sire bond, although he at least called it a totally different situation besides it happening so long ago. And although the “Jessica almost monologue” wasn’t brought up, Elena has to remember Damon speaking about how he used to miss being human. Elena gave him hope and caused him to have pleasure in the idea of eternity, but Damon’s opinion changed over the years, and I can’t imagine him choosing being a vampire over being with Elena, only putting saving and protecting her over staying at her side. over a year ago
MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
Seriously?!?! Damon gave her the cure and now Elena wants him to make sure this is what he wants?!? He never would have given her the cure if he wasn't 100% on board. And they have are having Stefan show Damon him abusing Elena?!?! How selfish is that? Are you telling me Stefan wouldn't have turned human had Elena chosen him? The ending and promo was bs. Posted over a year ago
msmysticlove commented…
I just remembered why i hated Stefan so much. He's still a self-centered prick! over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
I told you so. It's stefan. He's never going to change. over a year ago
MrsDamonSal said about Damon & Elena
Lmao! Omg I just saw a Bamon supporter say Damon and Bonnie went on a coffee date. Ummm no, he didn't even remember what kind of coffee she liked. Why? Because although they got to be somewhat friends in the prison world, Elena was all he talked and cared about. Posted over a year ago