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NSCBgirl said about Serena and Nate
i miss my serenate spot and all my girls.. i just wanted to say that <3
and the SFCF... 14days ago was the last reply :( that makes me so sad.. i guess it died with my account.. damn fanpop! i will always love my NS girls and NJCC girls.. i just wanted you all to know that :)
oh and look out for an EPIC NS collab i will post in a few months.. it will be EPIC :D <3
kisses, /Bella Posted over a year ago
elisa234 commented…
you gurl have to come like NAO, and stay with me/us forever. I MISS YOU ALL, just wanted to remind it. over a year ago
serenate_lover commented…
We miss you too, Bella!!! <3 over a year ago
serenateaddict commented…
bella, when r u coming back???? we miss u! over a year ago