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What are your top five favorite series?

No one has answered this question yet.
Naruto Shippuuden

Who do you think to I actually is now?

2 fans have answered this question
Final Fantasy

i REALLY want to play final fantasy... but i need to know WHICH ONE IS THE BEST?

9 fans have answered this question

have you seen the black ☆ rock shooter OVA?

3 fans have answered this question

who are your 12 favorite anime characters?

48 fans have answered this question

can you guys recommed some animes for me?

9 fans have answered this question

what are your 5 fave naruto couples?

35 answers | Best Answer: mine are: *shikatema *naruhina *sasusaku *nejit...

what are you 5 fave shippings?

21 fans have answered this question

be honest, do you actually like vocaloid cause their singing? or just the characters?

7 fans have answered this question

hey is why is hetalia rated MA?

9 fans have answered this question