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randomnumber said …
Your icon is so cute!! :D Posted over a year ago
Sammisaurus gave me props for my images
Thanks for the add, and I love your icon! Posted over a year ago
NyoHetaliaCreed gave me props for my images
Thanks for the add~! ^_^ Posted over a year ago
big smile
blazeandarose gave me props for my comments
Thanks for adding me! Posted over a year ago
Pizuyascell said about Hetalia Couples!
I really like Hetalia pairings, though it annoys me sometimes because most people care more for the pairings than the actual series and thats kinda sad really. ( and thats why shipping wars happen anyways ) Posted over a year ago
blazeandarose commented…
I agree over a year ago
missracoon commented…
Yeah! over a year ago
bubblegum_kiss commented…
uh, gotta disagree. hetalia doesnt offer much in the way of actual story or plot so pretty much my favorite thing about it is that it offers characters with a lot of personality and potention and also couples. i care more for the characters and pairings than the actual story and plot or nonplot myself. over a year ago
EverLastingLuv commented…
why can't you care about both? I love all of those things! and the story is awesome! well...stories. There isn't necessarily a plot in Hetalia over a year ago
Pizuyascell said about Anime
Is there active people on this spot? It was a long time ago i visited this site and it has changed..a lot. Posted over a year ago
Tuxy1999 commented…
Yes, this site changes literally EVERY day. Trust me. There are always brand-new polls, videos, questions, articles, etc. over a year ago
Pizuyascell said about Hetalia
I almost thought about leaving the Hetalia fandom when i i meet the Hetalia roleplayers on Tumblr.

Now i am back to the fandom again. Posted over a year ago