My Wall

Rainbow_Cookie said about Amberpet
Oh man, this club was wiiiiiiiiiiiiild.

I was such a digusting kid yet you guys looked at my stuff anyway.

Thanks <3 Posted over a year ago
Puar said …
Soooo now that we're older, I have to tell you...

I was the person behind a few accounts that you liked. I was Yamchapuar, Cilan_Striaton, and Animepenguin? I FEEL SO BAD ABOUT IT NOW, BUT BACK THEN IT WAS FUN AND YOU WERE HAPPY;

I don't think you'll be mad but I'm sorry if you are, alsjflkwajelkafje Posted over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE, Seriously? Oh my god- That's crazy. I'm not mad at all, because those days were hella fun, and I think deep down I knew it was you, ahahaha. STILL, that's crazy and I'm glad to know I wasn't actually talking to some crazy pedo stalker. over a year ago
Puar commented…
I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE NOT MAD- I really didn't think you would be, but it's SOOOOOOO relieving to hear you aren't. ;w; It was a really fun time in my life and I'm glad that you also had fun!! over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
*wipes tear* It's been so long, and I'm so thankful that you were my friend for this long, Linn! I feel so nostalgic looking back through this beautiful mess we made. Posted over a year ago
Araisel said …
i hate you, i'm going to break into your house and kill your family Posted over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
*wheeze* Please do Ari, I will personally pay you to kill me right now over a year ago
Araisel commented…
you like steven universe? what a gay over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
Oh you're marrying a girl? What a gay over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie said about Fans of PoM
Ew, ya'll, I was like....10 when I was on here? So I was really immature and I'm sorry if it caused distress for anyone at all, but if you want to follow me on current social media, I'd really appreciate it!


You all are fantastic people and I'm glad to have met all of you. Thank you so much for making my childhood less lonely! Posted over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
God I'm trying to look through my old comments on here but I can't. I am physically cringing at the things I am reading that I wrote when I claimed to be older than I was. How did people actually believe me- over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
AND ITS FUNNY, because I remember one time someone accused me of pretending to be other people on the site, and it used to get me upset, but tbh I did have like two alts, and ironic enough they weren't the ones I was accused of being. Some of the people I talked to were my actual friends and I rarely interacted with my alts. over a year ago
thecakeistrue23 commented…
I feel the same looking through everything i used to do yikes yikes yikes lmao I was so dumb over a year ago
sAME KJDNHJDFK god i think i was like...hyped up on sugar or fuckin somethin when i was on here all my comments are wild over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie said about Fans of PoM
Holy hell, I love coming on here and seeing that this place is /so/ inactive that someone posted literal porn and no one noticed.

Good job Fanpop, you're the most active website of all time. *clap* Posted over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie said about Fans of PoM
I think I may stay for awhile. I miss you guys. ): Posted over a year ago
mostar1219 commented…
Welcome back over a year ago
Snowfrost said …
What do you mean "stupid Canada"? Posted over a year ago
Rainbow_Cookie commented…
...Come again? over a year ago
_Sebastian_ gave me props for my comments
Thank you for adding me to your fan list, Miss. I have returned the favor. Posted over a year ago
ravissa gave me props for my videos
RANDOM FRIEND PROOOOOOOOP Posted over a year ago