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SAMCROislife said about Sons Of Anarchy
I don't really know where to begin. My mom introduced me to this show when I went to see her out of state last month. Got me started on Netflix. All I know is that after the first episode I was hooked. I got through to the 6th season, and when I got home I continued to watch it, and now at 3:16 a.m. I finished it, and I am a bawling mess. Thia show really changed my life. Nothing else I could say. It was genius adn beautiful, and I'll always remember what it gave to me. Posted over a year ago
SAMCROislife commented…
I knew it was supposed to be a tragedy from the beginning, but it still will always haunt me. Knowing that after everything Jax went through, and all the pain he endured and all who suffered from his retaliation for Tara was because of his own mother. But I can't hate Gemma. She merely did what I feel any mother would, though maybe not to the lengths she took it. But she was protecting her family. And I solute her for, in spite of all the other caos in her life, she was always a good mother and she always did was she thought was best for her family. But I feel as if a part of me will always miss this show. It was my whole life and I hate it had to end. It was by far the best show I have ever seen, and I will never ever forget it. It was truly beautiful, and as dumb as it sounds because it ws a TV show, I will really miss my SAMCRO family. R.I.P. Jax Teller, Gemma Teller, Clay Morrow, Bobby Munson, Tara Knowles, Opie Winston, Donna Winston, Juice Ortiz, Wayne Unser. over a year ago