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man, that was immensely disappointing, i loved their relationship, i hope that they get together again, and soon! Posted over a year ago
i just watched Percy Jackson: sea of monsters, and it is SOOO much better done than the first one. Posted over a year ago
gwendiamond commented…
I watched it the day after it came out and it was Awesome!!! over a year ago
SapphireStorm commented…
yes it is, i watched on my birthday, september 5th, my older brother and sister-in-law didn't know what else to give me. Have you read the books? over a year ago
SapphireStorm commented…
by the way i LOVE where you said you lived. very nice! :) over a year ago
SapphireStorm said …
Hi I'm SapphireStorm, and is looking for buddies... and have no idea how Posted over a year ago