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Smolderholderx said about Damon & Elena
I ship damon with whoever makes him happy. doesnt matter who. as long as she makes him happy
and i only ship elena with damon cause stefan has a huge head. Posted over a year ago
Manonx commented…
Okay.. that's a weird reason >.< "because Stefan has a huge head.." -_- over a year ago
Smolderholderx commented…
hahah okay thats not the only reason but his head just annoys me :p over a year ago
20cosmogirl commented…
just want damon to be happy for once over a year ago
Did anyone buy the EW magazine? I'm from Holland and they dont have it here, I would love to see those interviews in the magazine so if anyone bought it can you please take pictures and share it with us? :) Posted over a year ago
68beats commented…
it's not gonna be published until like... the 17th, I think. :) over a year ago
xoNinaxo commented…
It's out this friday :) waar woon je?? Ik DH :)xxx over a year ago
misty11 commented…
ik utrecht/maarssen over a year ago
sophievn commented…
OMG mede Nederlanders<3 @xoNinaxo ik woon ook in DH :D over a year ago
I wonder how much fans we will have after tonights episode :) Posted over a year ago
louvreangel commented…
I wonder that too! over a year ago
IvanaDyP commented…
I'm wondering that for 3 weeks now. :D over a year ago
delenafrenchfan commented…
yeah this is sure!! :) over a year ago
Smolderholderx said about Damon & Elena
my mother ships delena.
shes awesome. Posted over a year ago
Delena4eva commented…
Mine too :-) over a year ago
STEFIdi commented…
mine three!:) over a year ago
sophievn commented…
Unfortunately my mom ships Stelena :( Be she thinks Damon is way hotter! over a year ago
Smolderholderx said about Dan and Blair
Hi I'm a chair-shipper but I also ship dan and blair as friends, so i think that makes me dair-shipper too? hahaha. Posted over a year ago
Smolderholderx said about Damon & Elena
14 fans till 8k.
=] Posted over a year ago
Delena4eva commented…
it's 111 fans till 8k... over a year ago
Smolderholderx said about Damon & Elena
I dont like this.

“Even if Stefan and Elena are apart, but their relationship is stronger. And once they have a reunite, there’ll be so much tension of love because they don’t see each other in a long time.”
— Nina Dobrev Posted over a year ago
HermioneRon343 commented…
if Stelena come back I will not survive this. over a year ago
RoseJackDawson commented…
well,I knew they will be together once again,but I don't think they will ever have that kind of relationship they had before. Don't lose hope,DE is epic <3 over a year ago
chelle11 commented…
Haha @delenaluv I was figure out what she meant lol. It doesnt make sense. over a year ago
Smolderholderx said about Damon & Elena
SOOO, i live in Europe and vampire diaries doesnt air here so I watch it online on friday. Should I wake up at 6am to watch it before school or just wait till am back? If i wait till after school am gonna read all those spoilers on twitter, more than ive already read and i just cant wait hahaha but i dunno what would you guys do? have one hour more of sleep or watch tvd instead? (A) Posted over a year ago
NinaAndIan commented…
TVD! lol. just take a nap after school :) over a year ago
Joline commented…
I have the same problem :p And I'm going to watch it before school over a year ago
Smolderholderx said about Damon & Elena
I've been watching gossip girl since 2009, and i was a hardcore chair-shipper. And I've just started watching vampire diaries since december 2011 and I'm shipping delena more than I've ever shipped chair, isn't that weird? hahah. Posted over a year ago
sophievn commented…
No that's just awesome!!<3 over a year ago
TheRisabell commented…
It's not weird, Chair was my OTP but now... C'mon Delena is way better ;) over a year ago
Smolderholderx commented…
I love dair as friends, not a couple. over a year ago
Smolderholderx said about Blair & Chuck
Louis doesnt know who he's messing with. Blair will take him down. Posted over a year ago
cordyangel commented…
i am sorry but louis had every right to be mad.Blair totally deserved what he said to her over a year ago
Smolderholderx commented…
Yes, but what he's doing isnt right either. He cant just be married to her while they arent together over a year ago
MutantRainbow37 commented…
I feel sorry for Louis but he acted really horrid at the end :X over a year ago