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Stelena101 said about Damon & Elena
I have a dedicated on this spot...who knew right? Love you guys! Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Congrats. Love u too :) over a year ago
Oh Rachel you're my fave SE shipper <3 and possibly the only one who has a dedicated here haha over a year ago
tvdlover commented…
Congrats<3333333333 over a year ago
Do you seriously have a dedicated in the DE spot??? LMAOOO Is that why you don't come there anymore? Posted over a year ago
rabya_1 gave me props for my images
love your icon Posted over a year ago
rabya_1 commented…
its emma right even if not still great over a year ago
itwasepic98 said …
Yes I am so sorry again :) Well I have so many tests in the next few days and URG I can't see my school books anymore. Only a few more days until VD! I CAN'T WAIT!!!! :D Have you seen the promo? o__O Posted over a year ago
itwasepic98 said …
I am so freakin' sorry for being such a BITCH! I wasn't on fanpop for almost 2 weeks now :// I'm so sorry again :( Now what's up? Posted over a year ago
Stelena101 said about Stefan & Elena
I can't believe I missed us reaching 3000 fans *tears* WE DID IT Posted over a year ago
bvale211 commented…
3013 :D!!!!!!! Ahaaa ! over a year ago
dk111 commented…
3014!!!!!!!! over a year ago
maryam1311 commented…
3023♥ over a year ago
patty_koziol13 gave me props for my images
love your pic Posted over a year ago
itwasepic98 said …
Noo I haven't seen I am number 4 but I want to! I love Alex and Dianna, both in one movie is EPIC! :D Do you watch Nikita? :D Posted over a year ago
Stelena101 said about Damon & Elena
But as for the person calling people whores etc I swear on my life I do not know or had anything to do with that person. I know I said you guys have no life and I am sorry because I am the one with no life. As for lizzie_jo5 sorry if I "backstabbed" but after you said Kevin williamson doesn't know anything about love because he is gay; you lost my respect. I am sorry I stooped so low and bashed you though. btw I never bashed you for watching TVD only for bashing Kevin Posted over a year ago
arthur20 commented…
Wow..You came here to apologize and now saying why do you backstabbed, at-least DB fans are better, they come straight forward always, they don't bash us in our spot by coming here telling fake apology.. not like SE fans. over a year ago
arthur20 commented…
Between lizzie is awesome, she doesn't bash KW for being gay between. over a year ago
Stelena101 commented…
I was telling the absolute truth, unless of course you guys would like me to lie and say I am a perfect angel who would not backstab. I was telling the truth over a year ago
Stelena101 said about Damon & Elena
I know you guys hate me right now but please here me out. I was "She_was_a_troll." And that is exactly what I was...a horrid,immature troll would did a nasty thing without thinking. Ever since I did that I have had a terrible feeling in my stomach because I became someone I hated and ruined a good thing. I am not here asking for forgiveness I just wanted to tell you guys it was indeed me. Report me etc. because I DO deserve it. Posted over a year ago
deluv commented…
Apology long as you don't do it again we are cool. :D over a year ago