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It's always nice to meet another Pacey and Joey fan, thanks for adding me back! Posted over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
it sure is! Thanks for adding me in the first place! :) (sorry I replied so late, I always forget to check my profile) over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan said about Damon & Elena
I haven't cried this much in my entire life over a TV-show/movie. I was literally crying like a baby. The things Damon said to Elena, and her crying and despair, saying "please don't leave me". And the scene before about their future, and how Stefan said that Damon was finally happy. And Elena has already lost so many people. And there is noone else she could love now, how can she move on from this? Posted over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
However, if they find a way to bring them back, as you guys have been suggesting here, with Grams doing something for Bonnie and Ian having signed the contract.... This will be worth it. It was insanely beautiful and showed how much they mean to eachother and that they are endgame. But it's also so unfair rip our hearts out like this!!! I'm still sad. over a year ago
cahe64 commented…
That too, and the writers say that season 6 is the journey of bringing people back together. Ian will come back...he said it himself on twitter. He is just on his summer break and travelling the world. Yeah poor Elena keeps losing people. Of course she can't move on. She will probably a mess for the entire summer. And when they discover a way to get them back, she will surely put her hero hair on and go for it. Just like in season 3, when she travelled into the mountains with Alaric. over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
haha, I'm still pissed off about how much I cried, it was so painful and I feel stupid for crying like a baby. But yeah they are truly beautiful, and so were their scenes in this episode. It was so emotional and powerful. over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan said about Damon & Elena
I never thought I would say this, but I actually shed two tears for Stefan. But he's been so kind and encouraged Delena and Steroline was happening... This can't be! And Damon is gonna be heartbroken! Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
Same, that was really sad. And I dead to think how Damon will react... over a year ago
MelodyLaurel commented…
Ugh, I felt so bad for Caroline in that scene... And damn, I'm actually really sad Stefan's dead. over a year ago
darkdoll59 commented…
I actually didn't hate Stefan this season and there were moments when I liked him , I still think that he is going to come back somehow over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan said about Damon & Elena
Just feel like I need to share this video, it's also great if you're missing Delena/TVD during these endless hiatuses! link Posted over a year ago
panther-jewel commented…
I prefer “Delena things” to end with something positive, but it is none the less a beautiful video as a whole! over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
I agree! over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan said about Damon & Elena
OMG OMG OMG! THAT PROMO! YES, I KNEW THAT WE WERE GONNA GET SOME ANGST AFTER THIS! YAAAAAAAAY. Also, did Katherine get dragged to hell, damn that was creepy! And who is in charge of that, and what do they want with her? Hmm does this have something to do with the travelers? ANYWAYS, HOW I AM SUPPOSED TO WAIT?!!! Posted over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan said about Damon & Elena
You guys, for the first time I'm worried about Delena. I'm not worried that they won't be endgame, what Stefan said hinted that, and I always have faith in them. But I'm worried that it will be a long and painful journey before they get back together again. Damon is probably gonna have a hard time to start caring again, and how is Elena gonna react when she hears about what he did to Jeremy? Posted over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
Aaron is one thing, but Jeremy is her brother who he's already tried to kill once and who she lost her humanity for when he died. And the worst part is that I don't even think Damon has his feelings turned off, and I just don't want to believe that he would hurt Jeremy, not after he saved him from the carcrash and he hugged him when he found about Bonnie.... It just doesn't make sense! Maybe the writers are trying to show us how much Elena meant to him, I know, but still.... I don't like this! Sorry for sounding so pessimistic, I just couldn't help myself. over a year ago
Safora6 commented…
Yeah, regardless of what happens concerning Delena, I really do not see Stelena getting back together. I used to think they might, but after watching S5, I'm almost certain that they won't. It seems painfully obvious that the writers are attempting to prolong the triangle through these storylines, by giving SErs hope that their ship will reunite romantically. But these SLs are so blatantly aimed at Delena that there's no freaking way that Stelena will be endgame, it just doesn't make sense. over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
You are absolutely right panther-jewel! I've always felt this way about Delena , that they are special because of their strong love AND problems. And they always grow stronger than ever after a tough phase. They have the most emotional and epic scenes, which is what always got me excited about them. I guess it’s just like you said, those damn plotholes that make no sense that upset me. And maybe the fact that we’ve waited so long for them to be happy, but with one and half a season left of the show, of course they can’t be happy all the time. It’s a TV-show, there needs to be drama. So, I’ll keep that in mind, thanks for getting me back on track!  over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan said about Damon & Elena
BTW did anyone besides me love bad Damon? Now, don't judge me too quick, I NEVER thought that I would say that. I literally dreaded this episode because I knew from spoilers what was gonna happen, and I hated the idea of it. And Damon and Elena's hug was just the most heartfelt and beautiful thing ever, (BTW Elena needs to come back!), but there was just something so damn hot and nostalgic with Damon talking in the way he used to in season 1 and even his hair and clothes were just like then. Posted over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
But at the same time it's also terrible, Damon is really hurting right now, he just lost the reason for him to live. I wonder how long this will last, and I hate the fact that everyone (characters on the show and stelena-fans) will call him a monster again who never changes. over a year ago
panther-jewel commented…
I have a thing for bad boys, especially for those with good hearts, and I have never thought it possible that I would prefer sweet Damon to bad Damon, but I do. I ALWAYS love Damon and I am also a little bit torn like you, but I like Damon in love most because he is still broken, hot, dark, dangerous, sarcastic etc. when he is good. We haven’t seen his goodness coming through so far [in only a few seconds, I know], and I will probably enjoy that more (because it WILL happen) [bad boy with good heart, remember] - but I need ALL sides of complex, deep and complicated Damon. over a year ago
msmysticlove commented…
I prefer bad!damon a little more than good!damon. Maybe it has something to do with that sexy vamp-face...IDK but i love him all the same. over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan said about Damon & Elena
OMG OMG OMG, I CAN'T EVEN!!!!! Okay, I'm usually pretty optimistic about everything and even like sad scenes and villians, but this has gone too far! KATHERINE PIERCE MUST DIE! I feel so stupid for thinking that Katherine was a poor girl who was put through too much and was just trying to survive. No, she is just a legit selfish bitch. Posted over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
It actually seems to bring her joy to hurt others, I mean does making sure that Tylers hears about Klaroline really qualify as surviving? (And the smirk was just.... uh) I don't even really care about them, but this is just a clear example. Never again will I feel pity for Katherine Pierce, that's for sure. over a year ago
thisthat12 commented…
Katherine did plenty of things that were completely unecessary for her survival even before this episode. She killed plenty of people just for fun, abused Damon and Stefan for no reason at all and screwed up everyone's life, for no reason. The worst part about it is that not only that these things weren't necessary for her survival, most of them put her in even more danger of getting caught and dying. over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
You're right, I guess I was just blinded by all the sad flashbacks and all that. Or rather, I wanted to believe that there was good in her because I liked her as a badass villian with a lonely heart, but now I realize it's just sad how pathetic she is. She should have died with at least a little dignity in 5x11. over a year ago
Safora6 commented…
Katherine destroyed any chance of redeeming herself for me. I'm impatiently awaiting her death. over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan said about Damon & Elena
Katherine aside, did you see the look on Damons face when he heard that Alaric was there? HEARTBREAKING! Poor Damon, he is so lost right now too, but I know that everything will be alright in the end. He and Elena are truly happy together and since Delena won best couple of all time, and best chemistry, how could they not be endgame? Even without those awards, I always believed in them, there's just something special about them, you know? Even them just looking at eachother is freaking epic! ^.^ Posted over a year ago
panther-jewel commented…
That is so true! And Damon using the word “happier” for Elena without him was so wrong that it speaks for our cause. Elena has never been happier than with Damon, she has never been truly happy without him. There have been a few other smiles, but Elena has always lighted up most around Damon, and she was glowing of happiness during her relationship with Damon. There were so bright smiles, so intense looks of peace and happiness and so many “happy”-quotes. Their problem is that Damon also makes her sad, they never complained before about him not making her happy; Elena even only allows herself to be truly happy with Damon. And he makes her much happier than he makes her sad, while he brings out various extreme emotions in her, what makes her feel even more alive. over a year ago
thisthat12 commented…
I completely agree with you both. I think they are so unique because every little moment between them means so much, the good and the bad. Every kiss, every look, every hand holding, every promise and vow, but also every slap, every hating glare and even their rock bottoms, like when he snapped Jeremy's neck in front of her or when she told him his love was a problem. I've never seen a couple quite like them. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
without sorry. and yes, i totally agree with you. delena will face many problems, but they will overcome them, because that's just who and what they are. they are the unbreakable ship. the ship that can never be broken!! and no body stealing little bitch, is going to get in the way of that. over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan said about Damon & Elena
I have mixed feelings about Katherine, for the longest time I didn't want Katherine to die because she's such a colorful character and I felt bad for her and kinda liked Steferine... but with all the looking back on her life and accepting that it wasn't her fault and her moment with Elena, it felt like it was her time to go. But when she took Elenas body, I felt so scammed... like I don't even know when she's being sincere anymore, I thought she had finally found some peace and redemption. Posted over a year ago
TVDbiggestfan commented…
And the worst part is that Elena will most likely be saved in the next episode, so Katherine won't live anyways. Wouldn't it have been better to end it nicely in this episode with Elena forgiving her and Katherine thanking her for it. Damn it, I really wanted her to be a good person so bad. Okay no more mixed feelings, it would have been better if she died, or what do you guys think? :/ over a year ago
Safora6 commented…
I think it would have been good to have allowed Kat to die with an ounce of redemption instead of completely erase any form of selflessness, compassion, regret, and redemption by making her pull that move on Elena. All that proved is that Katherine is still a selfish, conniving bitch who has learned nothing from the past and karma. But, anyways, she obviously won't be around forever, but I do think she will last longer than one episode in Elena's body. The writers decision to save Katherine yet again from death and in the manner that they did, is simply to create another (massive) obstacle for Delena and complications in the whole Damon/Elena/Stefan dynamic. I feel that Katherine should have gone out while she was still on top, but now she will die with many people wishing for death rather than mourning it. over a year ago
panther-jewel commented…
Stefan’s support was okay because it was totally different from Damon being supportive; Stefan for example didn’t praise his brother like Damon does, especially when someone is friendly to him. I mentioned several times before how other things vary, for example the saving, and everything about Delena has always been more intense and something special (carrying, dancing, sex, touching, looking at the other, …). The writers make it seem like things are the other way around now, but even having some things switched, they happen very differently and certain basics are kept. So, there are doubts and fear created but the story still goes our way. And despite all of the “Damon is bad, Stefan is good for you”-talk, nobody says that Elena loves Stefan more; there is no sign of Elena being in love with Stefan, they only have that “DG-universe-thing” as a basic threat to Delena, but we already discussed how romantic that is for DE while it takes all [never existing] romance from SE. over a year ago