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XxAndySixxFanxX said about Zuko
I think zuko and jet should be a couple they would be sooo cute *-* yaoi!!! XD Posted over a year ago
GleekFreak18 commented…
That isn't actually a bad idea. Two hot guys. Yeah it could work XD over a year ago
PucksLady commented…
yeaaaaaaaah...given sum thought, it culd work! over a year ago
bluespirit08 commented…
ew thats nasty im not a homeafob but i think zuko belongs with katara over a year ago
paintbrush12 commented…
hey, the're both hot... over a year ago
Yoshiness said …
Bitteschön Nichts zu danken.. Your welcome. :3 Posted over a year ago
Yoshiness gave me props for my images
Heres a prop for Nyan Cat. :3
Ich sah, wie Sie die kleine graue Katze mögen~<3 ^^ *meow* Posted over a year ago
XxAndySixxFanxX commented…
wer mag keine Waffelkatzen??? :D who doesn´t like wafflecats? it´s so cute ^.^ over a year ago
Yoshiness commented…
Hahah jajajaja. CX Waffelkatzen ist so süß. *o* <3 Everybody has to like waffle cat. ^^ lol over a year ago
big smile
XxAndySixxFanxX said about Samsung
We´ve two TV´s, two mobiles and two bluray-player from samsung ^^ Posted over a year ago
no1drwhofan commented…
I have a pink Samsung phone and cherish using it! :) over a year ago
XxAndySixxFanxX said about Nyan Cat
I love the 100-hour version on youtube <3 Posted over a year ago
Harpaw8 commented…
same over a year ago
amy36y commented…
wow over a year ago
sammers77 commented…
Yeah, bye bye barrack! over a year ago
XxAndySixxFanxX said about The Sims 3
Die sims3 einfach tierisch ist das beste was es gibt ^^ Posted over a year ago
XxAndySixxFanxX said about Case 39
scariest movie ever... i hate these little girl O_o But i love this movie ^^ Posted over a year ago