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PastaChick said …
yo strider. what's up? *is wearing shades* Posted over a year ago
have any of you guys even seen the movie? Posted over a year ago
Xbloodjunkie commented…
Read the book, and loving everything I've seen so far ;) Point being? over a year ago
katmandu09 commented…
I havn't seen the movie yet but I really want to and I have read the first chapter of the book and I also really want the book!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
peterpanreal commented…
THE MOVIE ROCKS over a year ago
katmandu09 commented…
i know that i am going 2 c the movie but I dont know when and my sister bought me the book and I'm loving it so far!\ over a year ago
askDaveStrider said about The Striders
sup strider fangirls
this is dave
dave fucking strider
B) Posted over a year ago