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bieberswoman said about Usher
Usher u r amazing u look amazing and u r just naturally amazing and thank u so much for meeting justin bieber and loving him and making him famous ! :) Posted over a year ago
Dorito23 commented…
Yes thx for showin us Justin! <3 over a year ago
bieberswoman said about Justin Bieber
Im so excited to see your movie never say never do all the theaters have purple 3D glasses that would be so cool i love u justin bieber love lauren im your biggest best ultimate fan times infinity and beyond times google yay i love u with all my heart ! :) Posted over a year ago
bieberswoman said about Justin Bieber
Meet The real justin because u r so real i love u one day maybe i can meet u come to thunder bay ontario canada and play a concert and tour more of canada
I love u justin bieber
Love: Lauren Williamson Posted over a year ago
bieberswoman said about Justin Bieber
Justin im lauren and i just want to let u know u have a lot of fans so u prob wont read this but i just want to let u know i love u so much i know u get it a lot but i truly mean it from the bottom of my heart i really wish i could afford to go to your concert and really meet and see the real u. U r so strong ro have your parenys split up and to still be close and share the love of your music with fans!:) one day i really hope to meet u and cherish your amazing smiling hair eyes and laugh and... Posted over a year ago