My Wall

UkraineHetalia said …
Oh? Pryvit, miss! I am doing alright at the moment, and how are you doing today? Posted over a year ago
blood-teller commented…
Im all fine and good. :) over a year ago
blood-teller said about Hetalia girls
Already five members! ( I honestly thought i would be the only one.. thanks for saving me. :') )

I am going to starg a little contest pretty soon, i just have to prepare some things. ~
to be contunied. Posted over a year ago
lumforever commented…
Seems fun! :D over a year ago
lumforever gave me props for my comments
Really? That is just the sweetest thing I've heard today.

You are so sweet!! ^___^

I completely understand with school and everything. School is getting pretty harder and harder each year. Good Luck with school and everything!! ~ (: Posted over a year ago
blood-teller said about Hetalia
About the club dedicated to the aph girls and nyos..its done!


Its still very new but i am going to start a contest where you can you can win props and other stuff in a list there so come and visit, maybe? ~ ^J^ Posted over a year ago
UkraineHetalia commented…
Oh, I would love to look at it! over a year ago
blood-teller commented…
Thank you very much for giving it a visit! :') over a year ago
lumforever gave me props for my pop quiz questions
You are amazing.

Thank You for putting me in your links. That means a lot to me (: Posted over a year ago
blood-teller said about Hetalia girls
- Links to sites where you can find pixiv or tegaki fanwork of the girls including tags.
- Maybe some contests in the walls.
- post affilates at links
- create a ask forum for a hetalia female.


Now time to find some members..if you are new, it would be awesome if you introduced yourself in the wall? Posted over a year ago
lumforever commented…
Hey ~~ xD over a year ago
blood-teller commented…
ohai there Lum! Thank you very much for contributing and joining this new club. :') over a year ago
blood-teller commented…
@fem_america: FUCK YEAH. @lum: I love looking through pictures so no problem here at all ~ i spam more LOL XD ( its kinda hard as i do all this on mobile but i love this club so much. c: over a year ago
blood-teller said about Hetalia girls
I am planning some stuff , including:

- Having a "post the best picture of (insert character) " to every hetalia female.
- Nyotalia picture contest
- Change icon to the hetalia female you want it to be every month
- some articles, maybe about how they arent useless or mary sues.
- post some pictures in the image category, please post fanworks as fanart and the offcial Himaruya pictures as photos, the rest belongs where it belongs. Posted over a year ago
blood-teller said about Hetalia girls
welcome to the Hetalia girls club!

Pretty soon im going to start contests where you can win props at, i really hope we can get along everyone and just have fun. :) Posted over a year ago
blood-teller said about Hetalia
I was thinking about dedicating a club to Hetalia and nyotalia girls since there arent any specific club to the girls in Hetalia at all, so i thought about making a club for them, so if you want to join, i will post the link to tclub very soon and you are absolutely welcome to join, i will probably start it off with a contest. :) Posted over a year ago
blood-teller commented…
*the over a year ago
justinfangrrl commented…
cool! I'll join! :D over a year ago
blood-teller commented…
Thank you very much! I look forward to see more of you! xD over a year ago
blood-teller said about Anime
does someone have a short god anime to watch over a weekend maybe? Posted over a year ago
Animaniac12 commented…
god or good? over a year ago
lumforever commented…
Fortune Arterial, Inu x Boku SS, or Oreimo. All three have 12 episodes ~ over a year ago
blood-teller commented…
*good over a year ago
bubblegum_kiss commented…
No.6 or Otome Youkai Zakuro. over a year ago