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courtney52102 said about Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber,
I have wanted to meet you so bad and some people say it is impossible but really it could have a shot i love you so much you are so down to earth and you seeem like a guy i would totally see myself with i would do anything in the world to see you!!! I would jump off a buliding into a pile of sharp rocks just to see you your like my role model i sing your songs alllll the time i have almost every CD there is my room is all you i love you justin bieber Forever I LOVE YOUUUUUU!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
showgirl_301 commented…
same here over a year ago
luvmehmika commented…
Attention bieber fans i kno a way yuu culd win a chance to meet Justin Bieber and attend his concert in Toronto Canada for yuu and 3 other people all expense paid round trip:)it doesn't matter where yuu live and v.i.p tickets -->linkjust sign up spread post this link to all yuur friend and good luck over a year ago