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dyach gave me props for my images
hy Posted over a year ago
liniel_15 gave me props for my articles
You are soooo awesome at writing vampire stories you continue Posted over a year ago
please read the story i posted on the article section Posted over a year ago
dark_fan_bieber commented…
mine is dusk hope you;ll read it over a year ago
dark_fan_bieber commented…
if any body read it pls leave a comment over a year ago
liniel_15 commented…
it's awesome over a year ago
dark_fan_bieber said …
people have different opinions. this is one of the sites where you can express your opinions while being heard by other people. your voice can be heard if you really want people to hear what you're saying. Posted over a year ago
I'm new hear but I've been following Justin bieber since i discovered him on youtube his really amazing i can't understand why he would have so much haters Posted over a year ago
SmileyGG commented…
exactly over a year ago