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I still can't get over last night's episode!!! here is what i think:
elena said i like and not i love you becos damon told her ''you would have liked me''
the elena cry when he said i love you, was so emotional as if it was painful for her to hear that and not being able to say it back
Posted over a year ago
delenakatherine commented…
also was so happy to hear katherine telling elena that she loved them both! finally she admitted loving damon! that s what i wanted to know cos i never believed her when she said to damon she never loved him and that she only loved stefan ! am also a DK shipper and i loved the way katherine touched damon's face with tenderness you can tell she loves him..but he doesn't anymoreDamon drinking elena's blood was a big moment for me esp when he said ''i have too so we can be together forever'' i know he was hallucinating but i think that s overshadowing of what's to come. Also elena didn't protest strongly she was being strong and gentle even if he was hurting her and that shows how much she cares for him DELENA Forever. over a year ago
delenakatherine commented…
i forgot to mention how sweet was the way they held hands <3 over a year ago
Lack of DE is turning me in DK fan! well at least until i get DE..
i think the number of viewers went down because everyone in the show became too serious, there is danger and problems all the time so even the characters became gloomy and serious while in season 1 we did get a lot of happy moments and normal stuff then got ruined by danger..still i don't understand why S1 had more viewers cos i prefer S2! Posted over a year ago
lizzie_jo5 commented…
1 word: STELENA over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
did the ratings start to go down when ai started? i hate s/e and the lack of d/e but i'm not gonna stop watching tvd. i want to see all of d/e's journey even if i have to suffer through s/e first. if you dvr it do they still get viewing credit? maybe thats the problem? people tape it then watch it later. i just dont understand if you watched it from the beginning how do you stop and viewing go down. i dont think its cause s/e are boring and lack of d/e. the show is good as a whole and we know eventually we'll getour d/e over a year ago
delenakatherine commented…
i don't think it s becos of stelena cos it s been reported that S1 had more viewers than S2..i don't understand how someone who watched s1 and then stop watching? personally i thought things got more exciting this season but we got less DE than season 1..DE moments in S2 are stronger but very brief over a year ago
katie15 commented…
As much as I would love to say it's Stelena (and I think they ARE part of the reason in SE centred episodes because it was the same in S1) I don't think it is. I looked at the ratings for the current CW shows and it's the same trend. S1 generally has the most ratings, and each season has less than the last one. Even so, you don't have to worry because TVD has the best ratings of all CW shows at the moment, AND even GG, that is most likely about to have a S5, didn't have the same ratings as TVD do now when they were on S2. No need to worry :) over a year ago
OMG this song fits DK so perfectly..can someone please do a video with this song!
I love this D/E/K video but it will be even better if it had scenes from 2x16
link Posted over a year ago
At the end both katherine and Elena will be fighting over damon! in this episode it seemed like katherine was chasing damon! i would love to see elena jealous but i think it will never happen :( Posted over a year ago
Madelayna commented…
katherine fighting over damon? nope, i don't think so :D she made it pretty clear, that she didn't give a damn about him... over a year ago
lizzie_jo5 commented…
I think katherine should kiss damon and elena should see this ( damon shouldn't kiss her back ) and get jealous over a year ago
I can't believe we are left for 6 weeks without any DE clips or images to look at! at least for the Xmas hiatus we got the sacrifice scenes which i watched 100 times but now nothing! so am re-watching the DK scenes which don't make me happy but sad :( Posted over a year ago
We know that katherine chose stefan..but honestly even if elena had to choose which brother to save! she would have also picked stefan sadly :( so we can't be that harsh on katherine :) Posted over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
totally different scenario....damon thot katherine loved him for 145 years. damon KNOWS elena doesnt love him so u cant compare the two. katherine and elena realtionship with damon is different then damon and elena's elena would not make the deal in the first place. because elena cares for damon and katherine doesnt give a SHIT about him. so YES we can be as harsh as we want over a year ago
deluv commented…
i don't think Elena would have picked Stefan when she knowa Damon is gonna die!! She wouldn't do that, cuz she wanted to sacrifice herself to save the people she cares about (Damon is definitely in the top 5) so i don't think she'd make such a deal, over a year ago
am so disappointed in the writers!! not a single scene with DE! that s way too much we had to endure 2 episodes of SE and nothing in this one and then a 6 wks break plus episode 17 from the preview nothing again! then what's left! i know they want build up but so far there has been no build up! to be honest i wanted DK hate sex cos those two have so much chemistry and we are not getting DE for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG TIME :( plus who cares abt beremy and jenna so much wasted time on them!
Posted over a year ago
these the lyrics of the song played when damon saw katherine in his shower, they hint to what's to come..poor damon
And speaking of Little Miss Katherine
I feel swell, oh well Because losing you Was something I always...Did so well I guess I just can't tell anymore And the feeling I get when I see your clothes Spread out on my floor Posted over a year ago
delenakatherine commented…
Oh, I'm such a bore, I'm such a bore I don't do anything anymore I just count these ceiling tiles falling through my floor Sorry, I really lost my head I'm sorry, I really lost my head But you know those words that you said They get stuck here in my head And this feeling I dread, it makes me wish I was dead Or just alone instead, I'll be alone instead I don't need anyone in my bed Just these ceiling tiles falling through my head Sorry, I really lost my head Oh, I'm so sorry, I really lost my head Oh, those words you said over a year ago
just watched 2x15 and i loved it despite the lack of DE scenes (it s really starting to annoy me) for god's sake we have to go through horrible 6 weeks without VD so we need to dream abt while waiting!!!
anyways loved the episode and loved loved katherine/damon shower scenes..that was HOT! u know what screw delena i want katherine and damon for now lol (ofcourse still a delena shipper) but if we are not getting any DE sexy time then i don't mind DK...wonder wot will be the confession? Posted over a year ago
Miiss_Universee commented…
same ere..hehe 4 now i dnt mind damon nd they not givin us delena atm over a year ago
Posted over a year ago