Eunice Sandoval

Fanpopping since March 2010

  • Female, 32 years old
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eunice06 said about Serena and Nate
have you guys seen the latest preview of S6? it's an old preview (from s3, I think) but they made it obvious that the endgame couples would be CB and DS. I really am so sad. I thought S6 was the season for NS reunion. Gosh, we'll never win to these writers, will we? :(((( Posted over a year ago
serenate502 commented…
THIS. Writers need to learn that NJBC is supposed to be endgame! Gossip Girl started with NS it needs to end with NS! TWITTERATTACK! over a year ago
Tasha1993 commented…
OMG, r u sure? There's really no hope for NS? We need to do something. I feel like boycotting. over a year ago
serenate502 commented…
me too! no wonder cecily hates the show. IT's supposed to be Gossip Girl? ha! not really when there is no NS over a year ago
lizzie_jo5 said …
sign the petition!! pretty please
thanx Posted over a year ago
eunice06 said about Serena and Nate
anyone watched the latest ep? did S already choose D? i didn't watch to save myself from further frustration. haha. Posted over a year ago
iwalkalone commented…
yes basically but not in this episode.....Dan must of been the ony that figured out that she was being set up and had to go to her rescue......I believe that she in the end chooses Nate, the love of her life..Serena is an idiot but she has to see the light and that light is Nate. over a year ago