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LOLerz25 gave me props for my videos
Gah, sorry for the late ass reply. >.< Hope you'll still be here to see it. DX
College eh? Well, I just started college myself last June as a freshmen & it was just so freaking tiresome & hectic. Worse part is that I didn't know anyone from my course since my friends & I are taking up different courses so my advice would be make as many friends as you can. Since you're still gonna be a freshman, I think it wouldn't be that hard. ;D Posted over a year ago
LOLerz25 gave me props for my answers
Omg, Hi! I missed you *hugs* Haha, Been trying to get a Tumblr but I heard earning a follower there is quite hard so I didn't even bother making one. xD
Been doing fine :) Trying as hard as I can too keep up with the internet + school at the same time. Lol, my previous reply to you was when I was still a Junior in high school and I was 15 back then, now I'm already in college and 17. I feel old af. DX
Anyways, nice seeing you again here. <3 Hoping to see you here more often. xoxo Posted over a year ago
LOLerz25 gave me props for my comments
Oh hi! We haven't talked in ages! 8D How've you been?
xx Posted over a year ago
Sn822007 gave me props for my videos
Could u join the club?link type in da box above there Girls' Generation Club.If yes,u're awesome but if not,it's just fine..don misunderstanding me for forcing u to join the club ^^ LOL.!!! For ur info,the club now has about 380 fans..i am tellin u this cuz i don't wan u to join the wrong club~XD n i hop3 we can be fr|endz~^^ (。◕‿‿◕。) Posted over a year ago
LOLerz25 gave me props for my polls
& NP! I'm not on much as well ;)
Anyways, how've you been?
xx Posted over a year ago
LOLerz25 gave me props for my answers
Well, L wrote his name on the death note to die after 23 (idk how many days was it exactly) days so that he'll have time to bust Kira. When Light wrote L's name, he expected him to die instantly but since L already wrote his name on the death note 1st, Light's plan to kill L instantly was a failure. (Take note that this all happened just in the , LIVE ACTION SERIES. The anime was totally different) ^^
xx Posted over a year ago
LOLerz25 gave me props for my links
Well, if your talking about the Live action movie, then yes. L won & Light lost but on L change the world, L died eventually TT_TT LOL, The correct name would be "Ryuk" XD Haha Indeed! But that aspect of his is what really makes him cute ^^ xx Posted over a year ago
LOLerz25 gave me props for my links
NP! ^^

Bah, Near just outsmarted light because of the help of Mello. Without mello's help, near would've been dead. Gah, it really frustrates me that Light died & Near lived D<
xx Posted over a year ago
big smile
LOLerz25 gave me props for my articles
OFC! I Could never forget u! :3
NP! Why did u get to respond so late though?
Cool! Light's my fave though :D
What do u think bout the manga's ending?
xx Posted over a year ago
LOLerz25 gave me props for my links
Oh, LOL, I've read some shit like that XD Ever read death note? Yeah, sequences like that often happen in the series >.<
Haha, Sebastian & Ciel may be the only reason to read the manga
xx Posted over a year ago