My Wall

link just a little story I thought up and posted. Please read Posted over a year ago
hottiecoolcat said about Criminal Minds
Poor Reid. I just want to pull him into a hug and comfort him. Why did the writers have to write a new "100" for Reid? Why can't they let him be happy. Everyone else on the team has someone in their lives. Why can't Reid? It's not right. Posted over a year ago
hottiecoolcat said …
*singsong voice* I'm back. and am now plotting revenge against my sister Posted over a year ago
hottiecoolcat said about The Glades
I can't wait for Season Three. I hope I'm able to watch it this summer Posted over a year ago
drewjoana commented…
Season 3 Premiere was amazing, Jim had this bright look on his face because Of Callie. They were so happy together<333 over a year ago
hottiecoolcat commented…
I missed the entire season, because my brother's house did not have a cable. All he had was movies and Grand Theft Auto over a year ago
hottiecoolcat commented…
Although, I got to see the episode were Jim proposed to Callie over a year ago
hottiecoolcat said …
Ok so I know I haven't been on a lot this year or last year but my life has been crazy busy. So to make up for it I posted three fanfictions on the Spencer Reid fanpage. Enjoy Posted over a year ago
hottiecoolcat said about Criminal Minds
OMG I'm such a chick when it comes to the team and their families when there in danger. I cried when I saw Will get shot. I don't even like him. I cried when JJ and got married. I cried when I saw that bitch take Henry into her lap and start to tell him a story. I cried when Emily was with Will when he had that bomb strapped to him. I cried when Emily told Moran about what Clyde Easter had told earlier Posted over a year ago
ARS333 commented…
you are not alone my friend....i cry at those parts too.....EVEN THOUGH I HATE WILL!!!! it should be reid and JJ not JJ and will :( over a year ago
cassidy86 gave me props for my images
hottiecoolcat said about Criminal Minds
*SPENCES phone ring* Son of a Bitch! Hi This is Dr. Spencer Reid. I can actually come to the phone right now with a very special message, that your mother … (Hotch: …Reid)” *later on the plane* “We interrupt your regularly scheduled musical selection with an important announcement never wage a practical joke war with an MIT graduate because we have a history of going nuclear. Now sit back relax and enjoy the dulcet sounds of me screaming in your ear. AHHHHHHHHhhHHHHH” Posted over a year ago
bellatrixgal commented…
I lOVED both those scenes! Rofl! over a year ago
2cre8 commented…
Yeah, mee too,they were epic!! over a year ago
vanou1991 commented…
Omg !! Lmfao !!! over a year ago
*SPENCES phone ring* Son of a Bitch! Hi This is Dr. Spencer Reid. I can actually come to the phone right now with a very special message, that your mother … (Hotch: …Reid)” *later on the plane* “We interrupt your regularly scheduled musical selection with an important announcement never wage a practical joke war with an MIT graduate because we have a history of going nuclear. Now sit back relax and enjoy the dulcet sounds of me screaming in your ear. AHHHHHHHHhhHHHHH” Posted over a year ago
Britotheanne commented…
That...was...AMAZING! I was cracking up for the rest of the episode! :D over a year ago
hottiecoolcat commented…
so was i (i still am because i just watched that scene on youtube for the thousandth time since i saw the episode) over a year ago
arac commented…
omg i loved that episode my mom called me and I seid didi you walch criminal minds . so she called me a nerd. over a year ago