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HaleyDewit gave me props for my images
Props for your icon! Posted over a year ago
ilovemaself17 said about Damon & Elena
DELENA IS ENDGAME!!!! Stefan was Elena's first love but Damon's is Elena's TRUE love :D Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
Have to agree with this. over a year ago
panther-jewel commented…
Matt is Elena’s first love, but I otherwise completely agree with you. And a “kindergarten love” is just more real than the forced result of an old spell/ curse. But Damon being Elena’s exclusive true love, most real love and the big love of her life - and us agreeing on those facts - are the only things that count. over a year ago
HFU gave me props for my comments
Hi Posted over a year ago
ilovemaself17 said about Damon & Elena
this was the most intense finale ever!! this showed Delena as ENDGAME!!
Elena could not stop loving Damon!! she couldn't imagine dying without Damon, she wanted to die with Damon! she wanted to come back with Damon! she wanted a future with Damon! & even Stefan realised how miserable they are without each other!
Damon and Elena are TWIN FLAMES (they even died burning together!)
their love through out the series showed passion, adventure and little Danger.
DELENA FOREVER!! <3 Posted over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
and also a love that is REAL! over a year ago
panther-jewel commented…
A deep agreement to both of that from my side! over a year ago
msmysticlove commented…
OMG i agree!! <3 over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
Amen!! over a year ago
ilovemaself17 said about Damon & Elena
YAAAAY! XD best moment of the peoples chioce awards 2014!
loved Nian's humour about their crazy on/off screen relationship moments!
and LOVED that adorable nian kiss!! awww the feels :)
Bravo to teamDelena, all the votes were worth it and goes to show the bigfanbase!
anyone else felt like a winner? :D xxx Posted over a year ago
panther-jewel commented…
I am so incredibly happy for Ian and Delena/Nian and us DE fans! over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
awwww!!!! my babies!!! so adorable!!!! please get back toether guys i beg you. over a year ago
ilovemaself17 said about Damon & Elena
AAAA!! DELENA ENDGAME SEASON 4 yessssssss!!! :D still love stefan, but omg stefans silas's doppelganger!!!! :O katherines a human, Jer's back!!! bonnies dead!!! mabekha!!! KLAROLINE sweet KISS!!! aaaaa best finale ever!!!!! XD Posted over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
yay ready for cute delena mometns over a year ago
ilovemaself17 said about Tatia Petrova
seriously this page needs more fans! this character is really intriguing, seeing as she started the whole vampire race with her blood, and her interesting story with the Mikealsons! Posted over a year ago
rickie4you gave me props for my pop quiz questions
The presentation of this prop is sponsored by Daydreaming Posted over a year ago
ilovemaself17 said about Tatia Petrova
finally a Tatia (first) Petrova fanpop instead of Charlotte (didnt exist) Petrova fan pop :) Posted over a year ago