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jayteeniftb said about Damon & Elena
endgame and otp is all fine, fellow DE fans. but that means jack shit if the journey or story to get there isn't captivating or addictive. right now one part of our 'ship' is not living up to it. i hate this feeling that she is all tell and no show regarding him. please pay attention writers because viewers are doing so, and get serious about the other half of your ship. Posted over a year ago
DelenaLove201_ commented…
Yes, I agree with you. Keeping in mind that Damon is over 100 years old and Elena is still just 18, I think it is safe to assume that she isn't mature enough to understand her love for Damon yet. Through the course of this season, I'm hoping that Damon and Elena can bridge that gap. I have a vision of a scene in my head... over a year ago
DelenaLove201_ commented…
"I love you, Damon!" "What if that's not enough anymore?" What I basically want is for Elena to realise that she doesn't have to love the evil side of Damon, because he was never truly evil to begin with. Once that's settled, I'm sure their relationship will go the way we all want it to :) over a year ago
cahe64 commented…
Oh I'm pretty sure that she will show it sooner or later. I would love to see Elena sacrificing herself for him. Who knows if that's a way to break the DG curse. Just an idea. :) over a year ago
jayteeniftb said about Damon & Elena
caroline dries on s5: link Posted over a year ago
dwoods87 commented…
Thanks for bringing this over!! Can't wait for the new season to start already!! :-) over a year ago
Irenenew commented…
How soon will people start to piece together that Silas is pretending to be Stefan? So one by one they figure it out. But it’s in an order that is kind of detrimental to some of the main characters. over a year ago
jayteeniftb said about Damon & Elena
jp/actors/spoilers say something to manipulate and make viewers believe that's what the story is. viewers fall victim to it. when it doesn't happen, they lash out. an advice would be to roll your eyes at them and be self aware to not fall victim to it. an even better advice would be to not bother with this at all and just enjoy the story in your own way when it comes out. this is the show where episodes like 2x1, 3x22, etc happened. nothing and no one is going to change the story being told. Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
you hear that stelena fans?! the facts are the facts, deal with it, and move the fuck on! over a year ago
jayteeniftb said about Damon & Elena
we will get ultimate closure on damon and katherine in s5. in 4x18 katherine to damon "did you ever think you never really knew me?". from damon's side, he subconsciously knew what she was (2x22) but consciously overlooked it for his own convenience: 1)"sexy and seductive" katherine - attraction 2)loneliness. it was never true for him. from katherine's side, he was a good naive boy who she sickeningly enjoyed leading on/toying with for personal gain. Posted over a year ago
jet3055 commented…
I don't think that we need to worry about Katherine going for Damon. Damon pretty much closed that door in 2x22, and then slammed it in her face in 3x5 when he went back to Mystic Falls to rescue Elena. The Salvatore she will most likely go for is Stefan, because from a story standpoint there was no closure in that relationship. Katherine actually made a point about taking the cure when she talked to Rebekah in 4x18, " Katherine: You mean you want a do-over. Well, guess what. You can't have it. The cure will only take away your immortality. Everything else you hate about yourself, you'll still wake up with that in the morning. And you won't even be able to compel yourself a friend." Katherine's issues will stem from dealing with herself as a human again. She won't go back to what she was or turn into a completely different person. Will she be a hot mess? Totally, but wasn't she always a hot mess? over a year ago
panther-jewel commented…
And seeing that there won't be any character differences between vampire and human Katherine can help Stefan to realize that the "ripper" is a true part of himself so that he can get closer to self-acceptance and inner peace. over a year ago
jet3055 commented…
Such a good point! Love it. Stefan does need to get closure on his ripper ways. over a year ago
jayteeniftb said about Damon & Elena
Probably wishful thinking but i would love to see the delena fanbase move past the stefan/stelena opinion (missing the whole point of the show) and compare the couple to other greats (if they must) out there (look at the parallels with catherine/heathcliff & scarlett/rhett). And stop being manipulated by the interviews, trailers, etc (we are smarter than that) and look at the enjoyable story (canon) being shown. Posted over a year ago
DelenaLove201_ commented…
Hehe, we do both. Multitasking. and yes, they are definitely one of the greats that should go down in history. over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
To be honest, I'd prefer it if DE weren't compared to anyone. Ooookay, maybe the ones you mentioned are acceptable :) But really, people bringing into conversation SE here of all places... let's move past that, never mention them again HERE. All it does it's get people riled up. over a year ago
HaleyDewit commented…
@jayteeniftb: that's exactly what i was trying to achieve with my latest article. over a year ago
jayteeniftb said about Damon & Elena
love triangle (three sides) is bond of three people with each other, and not just the romantic relationship of stelena and delena. it will be fully resolved only when all three confront everything they have been through and where they stand after that. delena is construction all the time as "real/true" love bond. whereas stelena was static and now deconstruction. defan is static and from now on deconstructed. s5-s6 will destroy the other two sides of the triangle as lie/illusion. Posted over a year ago