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HFU gave me props for my comments
Hi Posted over a year ago
damon would be a better choice for elena

Posted over a year ago
salt_and_pepper commented…
yea there much better together! <3 over a year ago
xElvenPiratex commented…
I agree :) over a year ago
vampireacademy6 commented…
I agree <3 over a year ago
kirky23 said about Elena Gilbert
elena definitely has feelings for damon but she's too scared to admit them as she is afraid that she will get hurt again! which i don't blame her Posted over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
Agree! over a year ago
damon has my vote for the most hottest guy on the show! Posted over a year ago
cachetona commented…
he had my too.... i mean who els??????/ over a year ago
Glambert2 commented…
same here i love damon over a year ago
Damon=sexy Posted over a year ago
Splashstorm commented…
Obviously. over a year ago
Glambert2 commented…
sexy hot eye catching and did in say sexy over a year ago
kirky23 said about The Vampire Diaries
Damon and Elena should get together as they would be a super couple! Posted over a year ago
maori_gurl commented…
true aye, bonnie should go with tyler cos they would make a power couple:D over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
yay over a year ago
kirky23 commented…
yeah but damon is hotter then stefan and that trumps most things over a year ago
they didn't care who was watching them kiss. i mean why should they it's their lives no one elses. Posted over a year ago
misty11 commented…
indeed! over a year ago
sweetlouis commented…
agree ,to them and people who know them they are just a normal couple. thats what normal couples do show love to eachother. over a year ago