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livetobefree said about Islam
Will everyone please keep the victims of the school shooting in conecticut in your thoughts and prayers? May God bless all of you <3 Posted over a year ago
livetobefree said about Christianity
This christma please pray for the victims of the conecticut shooting and for the families who lost children. <3 Posted over a year ago
livetobefree said about Christianity
Anyone else excited for Christmas? Posted over a year ago
bri-marie commented…
I can afford presents this year ^.^ And help pitch in for food. over a year ago
livetobefree commented…
Yay! God is good!^^^ over a year ago
Sinna_Hime_chan commented…
It's a hard Christmas for me (I don't mean financially)- but still joyful in my heart! The true-meaning makes me very grateful and feel the spirit of Christmas :) over a year ago
DriftingSpirit said …
Hey... Thanks for the comment... Mosques are very beautiful... Would luv to go to Makka someday... "May peace be with you"... ><><DriftingSpirit><>< Posted over a year ago
livetobefree commented…
No problem! I would luv to visit a mosque some day. But unfortunately I can't go to Makka because I'm not muslim :/ over a year ago
Religion is beautiful! Posted over a year ago
livetobefree said about Islam
Hey I'm not Muslim but isn't this month Ramadan? If so happy Ramadan to everybody! 😄 Posted over a year ago
EntertainMee commented…
actually the month of ramadan was from july 20th (21st for some) to august 20th (21st) over a year ago
EntertainMee commented…
but thank you anyways!! :) over a year ago
hajekiii commented…
thanks it's very nice of you livetobefree over a year ago
livetobefree commented…
Oh haha my bad and you're welcome :) over a year ago
Jesus-Freak101 said …
Love your icon :D Posted over a year ago
livetobefree commented…
Thankyou! over a year ago
fassmackey gave me props for my comments
How is your Furbaby? I hope your pups ok.:) Don't pay any mind to Buttwarrior theres a nice cold bleak place waiting for those who show cruelity to innocent loving Animalbeings and Furbabies! I will pray for your loved ones health. Posted over a year ago
livetobefree said about Christianity
Hi, can everyone pray for my dog? He has to get surgery on Thursday. God bless u :) Posted over a year ago
Bladewarrior commented…
seriously u people just want everyone to pray for every little thing u people need to learn to survive on your own without asking everyone in the world to pray for you or someone over a year ago
livetobefree commented…
thankyou for your prayers^^^Just so everyone knows, he is doing really well and the vet said that his progress is ahead of schedule. I truly believe its because of everyones prayers! Thankyou so much everyone! over a year ago
para-scence commented…
Glad your dog is doing alright :] over a year ago
HHR08 gave me props for my polls
Thanks for the add back! Posted over a year ago
livetobefree commented…
No prob over a year ago