fathima mubarak

Fanpopping since May 2013

  • Female, 29 years old
  • london, United Kingdom
  • Favorite TV Show: vampire diaries
    Favorite Movie: vow
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maniya17 said …
all you stelena fans out there!!! every delena fans is going crazy and I soooo think we should fight back LOOOL Posted over a year ago
maniya17 said …
elena cares for damon BUT loves Stefan <3 please be true haha Posted over a year ago
maniya17 said about Stefan & Elena
really wish we could have them back buh hey guys we need to give these dien delena fans a chance LOL buh yeh maybe its all for the best and as Julie said that damon and elena would only be together for a bit and then they would have problems soo maybe Stefan and elena would be foever!!! please keep saying we want them back hahaha Posted over a year ago
Warrior-Petrova commented…
Elena never stays with a guy for more than 6 episodes lol. But yeah, I'm sure season 5 will be better for us. over a year ago
lucik-vn commented…
I really hope it gets better but I just don´t see the way how to fix it over a year ago
Angi93 commented…
I know :'( As much as I want them back, I just don't see that. And Lexi's advice that he should move on, I have a feeling they doesn't want to give them back :((( over a year ago