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mata1987 said about Damon & Elena
gyus vote for boring couple link Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
absolutely!! if they don't win that poll, IT'S A TRAVESTY!!! over a year ago
clairmxxx commented…
Done it, more people have voted for" yes they are boring" heheehe go DE fans XD over a year ago
lovesobrev commented…
done over a year ago
mata1987 said about Damon & Elena
link Posted over a year ago
mata1987 said about Damon & Elena
link Posted over a year ago
mata1987 said about Damon Salvatore
pls vote for damon link Posted over a year ago
mata1987 said about Damon & Elena
pls vote for damon link Posted over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
voted! over a year ago
overthedges commented…
and Elena!!! over a year ago
mata1987 said about Damon & Elena
Delena Love ‏ @DelenaMyHeart15
@nsfcl @chrisgrismer i love ya'll but i think DEers r getting played again, its clearly Carloline/Tyler that will have shippers happy not DE
Nancy Forner ‏ @nsfcl
@DelenaMyHeart15 you are only half correct. Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
Half correct - CT shippers will be happy. Not correct about DE shippers NOT being happy. over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
SpuffyDelena - you took the words out of my mouth :) Anyway there's nothing we can do about it now, only wait and watch. We'll get the scenes we deserve soon enough, we just have to be patient. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
oh please not negitivity!! ugh i've just come back! some postivity please... over a year ago
DELENA5112 commented…
Toke the words of my mouth, I have sure that after all the angst, we're going to have our happiness again!! over a year ago
mata1987 said about Damon & Elena
necla uslu ‏ @neclauslu

@nsfcl Please tell me! Do you have sex with 3x19 in the Damon and Elena?
Nancy Forner ‏ @nsfcl

@neclauslu uh.....I like the way you put that........yes, there is sex in and see..... Posted over a year ago
SpuffyDelena commented…
CT have sex. over a year ago
mata1987 said about Damon & Elena
gyus i watch episode and i have disapointed that amazing scene dont be real and i have felling that all including elena and stefan dont have sufficient effort for save damon what do you think? Posted over a year ago
team_tonks commented…
Sadly I think Elena who has become such a strong character since Stefan left has immediately become weak and is letting Stefan walk all over her now that she's close to getting him back. Like with Elena going along with Stefan's plan to kill the originals even though she'd told him she was worried about Damon. That makes me sad. I love how Elena had become her own person in Stefan's absence and now that's gone. over a year ago
denisaella commented…
I don't think that is just my opinion but I saw that Stefan change he become hypocrite and selfish over a year ago
ameasylikethat commented…
if elena chooses stefan again i will stop watching, I could deal with her choosing to be single but choosing to go back to stefan, am done with the show over a year ago
mata1987 said about Damon & Elena
please vote gyus link Posted over a year ago
STEFIdi commented…
done! over a year ago
TheRisabell commented…
done :) over a year ago
mata1987 said about Damon & Elena
gyus please vote link Posted over a year ago
Thug-Angel commented…
Done <3 over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
we must crush them!!!!!!!! over a year ago
TheRisabell commented…
voted! over a year ago