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Nicolexx15 gave me props for my images
wow you have and amazing taste in music exactly the same as mine xxx Posted over a year ago
kyraconstantine said …
Hey, um..omg. i totally love bon jovi too!!!! JBJ is myn hero.Did you know he went to JULLIARD?!!! Genius. I just recently added you, hope you do too!! Posted over a year ago
mega_JBJfan commented…
yuh over a year ago
mega_JBJfan commented…
of course i knew! I love him! (and i'm 12) over a year ago
mega_JBJfan said about Bon Jovi
Im 12yrs old but u still rock my world,i have all your CD's, DVD's and know every word to every song including the new ones off of the greatest hits! YOU ROCK! (i have the greatest hits DVD &CD too!)
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Posted over a year ago
Nicolexx15 commented…
ohhh my days snap snap snap to everything, we may be both just 12 but we know good music xxx over a year ago