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misscfan said about Taylor Lautner
congrats congrats for getting best movie u guys totes deserved i cant wait to see part 2 xoxoxoxoxx hope this isnt the real end for twighlight xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox Posted over a year ago
misscfan said about One Direction
hi 1d rock i wanna marry you harry im an angle and your the delight!
Posted over a year ago
1DOfficial commented…
Love You Too! over a year ago
misscfan commented…
hahaha xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx over a year ago
misscfan said about Alison DeLaurentis
im upset she is dead in pretty little liars but if she wasnt dead what stoy would there be hey?!!! Posted over a year ago
obsessed2213 commented…
ali is NOT dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
MadHatter97 commented…
it's true she isn't dead!!!!!!!!, try reading the books!<3 over a year ago
misscfan commented…
are the books good over a year ago
misscfan commented…
try watching telly over a year ago
pretty little liars is becoming one of my faverouite programs even though it some times likes proper freaks me out and then somtimes it gives me goosebumps! Posted over a year ago
obsessed2213 commented…
i know right!!!! at the end on the last episode my heart was beating soooooooooo fast!!!!!!! over a year ago
gigibear16 commented…
i know obsessed it creepewd me out i had yto skip back because i was washing myu hands from somethign sticky and i had to watch it twice it is so werid who do u think that was?? over a year ago
misscfan commented…
yhea defo A...does anyone know why A keeps giving her money to do stuff over a year ago
misscfan said about Pretty Little Liars
this has to be my fave tv program also teen mom1+2 ,Secret life of an american teenager so really im in love with myv
Posted over a year ago
misscfan commented…
i mean MTV LOL!! over a year ago
xxxlovepplxxx commented…
ı saıd that to but after ı read the books ı realısed that the books are SO much better and more excıtıng. ı over a year ago
misscfan commented…
are they ill have to start reading them!! over a year ago
misscfan commented…
are they ill have to start reading them!! over a year ago
misscfan said about Cher Lloyd
swagger jagger is an amaxing song a Posted over a year ago
Ryan231 commented…
Yup Totally :) over a year ago
misscfan said about Gavin & Stacey
oh! Posted over a year ago
misscfan said about Christina Aguilera
christina you were fab on saturday!!!!!!!!!
i cant wait to go and see burlsqes
sorry for the bad spelling Posted over a year ago
misscfan said about Cher Lloyd
i cannot belive you didnt win
you really have should have. i cried for about 15mins when it said you were not in the final 3.
but just to let you know, your the winner in my eyes. matt came 2nd Posted over a year ago
misscfan said about The X Factor