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momoandjustin said about Justin Bieber
Justin, we all care about you and believe that u dont deserve all this hate. Dont ever listen to their comments, b/c u are a better person than them; and u know that none of the comments are true! Know that we all love u! Dont ever let the haterz stop u from living a dream! Keep going and dont stop! We beliebe in u! Posted over a year ago
momoandjustin commented…
also: go follow on twitter; !! over a year ago
momoandjustin said …
Go follow me on Twitter; and be a part of the Long Island Beleibers! Send me messeges with any questions u have about my twitter or any questions about Justin Bieber! Being a Beleiber doesnt mean u were there at the beginning, it means you'll be there till the end, so follow if u are a Belieber! Thank u for everyone who is already following me, and thanks for getting more ppl to follow! I really appreciate it. Like Justin, I try to follow as many ppl as I can!! Love ya! Posted over a year ago