My Gallery

277 photos (click to enlarge)
"Barnabas Stinson shall write... the Bro Code." nphfan photo
&# 34; Barnabas Stinson shall write... the Bro Code.&# 34;
"From this spot, I also launched an expedition to those two large ridges down there!" nphfan photo
&# 34; From this spot, I also launched an expedition to those two large ridges down there!&# 34;
Carl approaches Dizzy at the dance. nphfan photo
Carl approaches Dizzy at the dance.
&# 34; Can&# 39; t do human... yet.&# 34;
"I am not going to discuss this!" nphfan photo
&# 34; I am not going to discuss this!&# 34;
&# 34; We&# 39; re in this war for the species, boys and girls. It&# 39; s simple numbers. They have more.&# 34;
Shrooms? nphfan photo
NPH at his SNL photo shoot. nphfan photo
NPH at his SNL photo shoot.
"I want ice cream!" nphfan photo
&# 34; I want ice cream!&# 34;
Mmm... So gorgeous! nphfan photo
Mmm... So gorgeous!
"He opened with the church lady skit, where he was a little church lady." nphfan photo
&# 34; He opened with the church lady skit, where he was a little church lady.&# 34;
Ethan is finally reunited with Emily. nphfan photo
Ethan is finally reunited with Emily.
"I need to get Emily back." nphfan photo
&# 34; I need to get Emily back.&# 34;
SRM theme song. nphfan photo
SRM theme song.
One of my SRM icons. nphfan photo
One of my SRM icons.
One of my Dr. Horrible icons. nphfan photo
One of my Dr. Horrible icons.
Henry waits for Tess. nphfan photo
Henry waits for Tess.
From "Tick...Tick...Boom!" nphfan photo
From &# 34; Tick... Tick... Boom!&# 34;
Love him. nphfan photo
Love him.
Sexy picture of him. nphfan photo
Sexy picture of him.