My Wall

nstrtjlover said about Serena and Nate
Hi guys! Long time no see! :) :'( Posted over a year ago
nstrtjlover said about Serena and Nate
Hey guys! I miss you NS fans already and NS too :( Posted over a year ago
nstrtjlover said about Ted and Robin
TED AND ROBIN ENDED UP! YAY!!! I Posted over a year ago
nstrtjlover said about Serena and Nate
I just can't believe this spot is dead :'( I remember how this used to be so active and lively :'(( Posted over a year ago
serenate_lover commented…
yes I know, it's sad:/ over a year ago
nneellliii commented…
I miss the old times, too... over a year ago
Tasha1993 commented…
I know. I wish it was still active too. over a year ago
nstrtjlover said about Iron Man 3
BEST. IRON MAN. MOVIE. EVER! Posted over a year ago
IBelieveInCap commented…
Agreed. over a year ago
CarissaK_B09 commented…
Totally agreed! over a year ago
annale commented…
it is! *-* over a year ago
b_kenobi gave me props for my images
:) Posted over a year ago
I just saw that the writers said that jamie Dornan/Huntsman/Sheriff Graham is going to return at the season 2 finale. He will be HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF. He's just recovering from some injury. I hope this is true :)
source: link Posted over a year ago
ReibyKathBlack commented…
Hungry like the wolf ... I think he will only return as the Huntsman :'( I'm not giving up though, I refuse to give up over a year ago
nstrtjlover said about Serena and Nate
I'm 100% sure that DS will get divorced in a few years or months... TROLOLOLOLOL my imagination! Posted over a year ago
serenatehellfan commented…
I give them 8 months (and that´s pushing it) until Humphrey starts to develop another backstabbing/bitchy/slightly homosexual personality over a year ago
Tasha1993 commented…
exactly what i thought. I give them 6 months. 1 year tops. They never last. I don't know what makes them think they'll last now. over a year ago
nstrtjlover said about Serena and Nate
I didn't watch the ending but I know what happened. I'm soooo sad because I've waited for nothing. I so want to kill the writers and all the mean things I said, I will never ever take back. But I have nothing to do. It's done. But I just want to say THANK YOU to all NS shippers. Thank you for standing up for our OTP and I did make a lot of friends here. You guys rock :) For me it will always be Serenate. In some time, this spot will be dead/abandoned. THANK YOU GUYS! I went down with this ship. Posted over a year ago
DamonsLilBird commented…
Good to know ye mate an NS fan is always fam. Ugh it sucked but hey DS didn't bloody happen in the books lol neither did we or chair but at least, he was with Vanessa. over a year ago
eris88 commented…
At least we didn't abandoned a sinking ship. We kept it alive for so long. It sucks that writers are stupid. You guys are the best. over a year ago
Moonlightrose16 commented…
Same! I <3333 you NS fans so much!!!! The whole reason I started watching GG was because of Serenate! Well, I will happily go down with this ship and stay on it! I chose the write!!! Stupid GG writers! over a year ago
nstrtjlover said about Serena and Nate
I will accept NS won't be ENDGAME as long as DS don't endup. I will be sad but its acceptable. Posted over a year ago
smckinlay2 commented…
I'd be happy with that, Derena are awful! over a year ago
HHR08 commented…
SAME HERE. I can get over (although it will be hard for me) NS not being endgame. Fine. But I can't stand DS. I just can't accept that. over a year ago
Tasha1993 commented…
exactly what i thought Moonlighttrose. over a year ago