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truebiberate gave me props for my answers
so how is this world....belieber's world?????????????? Posted over a year ago
peanut02 said …
Thanks for everything🙌!!! Posted over a year ago
big smile
truebiberate gave me props for my answers
BUT DON'T WORRY ITS OUR WORLD.....BELIEBERS' WORLD SO WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
peanut02 commented…
thanks still trying to get used to things like mean notes but it looks like it really doesn't matter I'm a nobody and your profile says that your from Texas is that true??? over a year ago
truebiberate commented…
not texas I AM FROM NEPAL..... over a year ago
truebiberate gave me props for my comments
HEY LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE NEW HERE..... Posted over a year ago
peanut02 commented…
Yeah and you gave me props not like I know what they are but thanks again!😎🙌 over a year ago
truebiberate commented…
hey you don't need to be can sweet belieber be without PROPS!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
peanut02 said about Ross Lynch
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😘💖💗💝💚💚💜💞👍👍👍 Posted over a year ago