My Wall

Natalie_Singer gave me props for my comments
Hi! Nice to meet you! Posted over a year ago
Sometimes I'll be sitting in class and I'll just think about Spike, and people ask me why I'm smiling like an idiot. Posted over a year ago
JesseIsLoveMD commented…
Haha nice!! over a year ago
katialautnerxx commented…
lol :D over a year ago
missliss commented…
lol Nice <3 over a year ago
potterrox said about SuperWhoLock
This is my ultimate favorite crossover! Is there anyone else on this spot? Posted over a year ago
Karambolka commented…
this crossover it's like a dream!!! amazing, fantastic and just wow! over a year ago
numnumyellow67 commented…
I'm here! over a year ago
1232kk commented…
superwholock is so cool over a year ago
I found an "I believe in Sherlock Holmes" sign in my school. I've been adding to it, and so have other people. So we now have an unofficial SuperWhoLock (Supernatural/Doctor Who/Sherlock) wall at my school and it's amazing. Posted over a year ago
SherlockHolmes7 commented…
Brilliant! Yes! OH IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! over a year ago
Sometimes I'll be in class, and a little voice in my head says "Remember Reichenbach?" and then I have to struggle to contain all the feelings. Posted over a year ago
potterrox said about Harry Potter
This is the 14th anniversary of the dawn of a new age in the Wizarding World.

Rest in Peace those who died in the Battle of Hogwarts. They couldn't have done it without you. Posted over a year ago
potterrox said about Biggerstaff Family
Haven't been here in months. If anyone remembers me, hi. If not, I'm Amelia and I'm really gonna try to get on more (no guarantees). Posted over a year ago
simpleplan commented…
I remeber you X3 over a year ago
alexthedog commented…
I wonder who [i]doesn't[/i] remember you. I hope you decide to visit more! over a year ago
PotterForever commented…
I remember you ;) over a year ago
potterrox commented…
Awesome! What have I missed? over a year ago
God I ship Spuffy so much... Posted over a year ago
buffyl0v3r44 commented…
ME TO!!!!! :) over a year ago
smvgirl1988 commented…
there so cute together like in something blue, does anyone know how their relationship is in the comic book? over a year ago
renesmeetruefan commented…
if they were actual people they could e cool over a year ago
potterrox said about Biggerstaff Family
hey biggerstaffs,
I fail at fanpop :( this is like the first time I've checked this site in a month or two... *smiles guiltily* I will TRY to be on here more regularly. What's new? (I feel like a n00b for having to ask that)

Random side note, are any of you guys on tumblr? Posted over a year ago
athena305 commented…
YAY! I don't know you but I'm sure you're really nice/cool. I don't have a tumblr but my sister does...If that's helpful at all. She posts a lot of her poetry and writing on there (she's REALLY good). It's called She Blogs Now. I sound like an infomercial but whatevs! over a year ago
xDark_Angelx commented…
Hey, I was wonder if we'd see you again, so...glad you're back! :D And, no, I don't have a tumblr. Actually, I do, but I haven't gone it at all since I got it. over a year ago
potterrox commented…
ill follow you :) I'm lifepastthemoon. still new on tumblr, your blog looks really cool over a year ago
potterrox said about Biggerstaff Family
The movie was lifechanging and hysterically funny. I can't believe its over. Harry Potter fans are the greatest people I've ever met. It was unbelievable. Still in shock... Posted over a year ago