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powergroover19 said about Horror Movies
I grew up on horror movies in the 70's and haven't stopped watching since. So it takes a lot to truly shock or amaze me. There has been a slump in quality original horror movies lately, with a few exceptions. The last movie I saw to impress me was The Cabin in the Woods. Paranormal actitvity 3 scared the crap out of me. Insidious was not too bad. The Devil Inside was creepy also. anyone know of any more original scares? Posted over a year ago
BloodyMascara_ commented…
Paranormal Activity 3 dissappointed me a bit, it made me jump more towards the end, but over all it was a little bit of an underacheiver. Oh wait sorry! I went all critic like on you! What about Scream? over a year ago
powergroover19 said about Star Wars
Who else thinks it's funny that R2 is less technically advanced in the later episodes than in the earlier ones? Posted over a year ago
crazyfanatic commented…
Me here! =D over a year ago
bootsfett commented…
I agree. over a year ago
sawyerwking commented…
And the Clones are far better shots than the Stormtroopers - how is that possible? over a year ago
powergroover19 said about Guitar
Whats up fellow axe grinders. I have been playing electric since 1989. All self-taught because I have no patience for slow paced lessons. So I play by ear, it's not very accurate, but with a little practice and a few tweaks I can get most of the song. One thing I hate is all the bad comments on youtube videos of guitarists doing their thing. Lets support these people, because the next novice you see could be the next John Pettrucci or Darrell Abbott. Keep on rockin' and make it loud!! Posted over a year ago
TerryLynnGamble commented…
Ride on BRo I played by ear for 15years before i got it Down :) Nothing wrong with it. Jimmy Page Played like that for over a decade and performed yard birds ECT keep it up Just remmeber 3 octaves on a guitar learn your riffs onall 3 of em and cords! It will come faster that way over a year ago
powergroover19 said about Pantera
Dimebag is the all time best metal guitarist. I know that this is a biased statement, there are a lot of other great metal guitarists, but dime plays the music that I hear in my head when I think of the best metal in the world. RIP Darrell, long live Pantera Posted over a year ago
powergroover19 said about Resident Evil
I am a fan of the early RE games, and of course, the games must evolve. I rented RE operation racoon city, and it was horrible as a RE game. It was more like Gears of war, or Ghost recon. RE 5 was closer to the original games and I hope RE6 will be too. Posted over a year ago
powergroover19 said about Horror Movies
Hey, everyone go see "Cabin in the woods" then come tell us what u think. I saw it last saturday and it was the most original horror movie I have seen in a long time. Well what r u waiting for....go see it, I'll wait. Posted over a year ago
BloodyMascara commented…
I havent seen it, but I saw the trailer and the trailer is very very good, I want reveiws from everyone. over a year ago
QueenofHorror commented…
Saw it I was blown away how great it was, def original (well sort of) and the ending...good luck trying to get a sequel thats all I'm saying. 8/10 well done Hollywood-well this time over a year ago
laurik2007 commented…
heard good stuff about it! gonna see it soon :D over a year ago
Yer off the edge of the map matey, here there be monsters. Posted over a year ago
War is coming, stones not safe on earth anymore. AZIZ LIGHT!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
powergroover19 said about Star Wars
I was 3 yrs old in 1977 when episode IV came out. My dad took me to see it and it blew my little mind. Ever since then I have been searching for other epic space movies. A few have come close, but nothing compares to level of good vs. bad, old vs. new, concept of Star Wars! Posted over a year ago
powergroover19 said about 311
Hello my fellow Hexites. I've been a fan through the thick and thin. The only band that I have every album they put out. I love those guys and they just keep getting better! I like to put the Sound system album on in my car, roll the windows down, and sing along as loud as I can. Just to spread the joy of cosmic peace and understanding. R U with me? So lets jump up and down cuz we got 311 style! Posted over a year ago