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purpleyes said about Delena
The ending of last night's episode.. omg<3 Posted over a year ago
purpleyes said about The Sims 3
For some reason when I install expansion packs to my game the sims can't have any interactions with each other D: They can use objects and everything though. Anyone have any ideas why this happens? Posted over a year ago
purpleyes said about The Sims 3
Anyone else get Medieval and end up not liking it? :/ Posted over a year ago
Alaa1999 commented…
i don't have it over a year ago
purpleyes said about House M.D.
WHAT THE FRENCH?! Posted over a year ago
the_house_gene commented…
i'd just stick with fuck over a year ago
purpleyes commented…
it's an inside thing. lol. over a year ago
purpleyes said about Bones
OMG! I just watched the finale for the first time.. I cant believe she's pregnant! And I'm so happy the baby was okay. Posted over a year ago
tvfan5 commented…
GAH! over a year ago
purpleyes commented…
xD over a year ago
purpleyes said about Abby and Mcgee
Lovedd the McAbby scene in the finale <3 McGee totally loves her :) Posted over a year ago
delenaisluv commented…
It was so cute how he choked up adn tears went in his eyes when she asked "you'd what?" after he said "if anything were to happen to you. . ." over a year ago
purpleyes commented…
<3 over a year ago
cute101hot commented…
yeah over a year ago
purpleyes said about Tiva
SO disappointed with the lack of Tiva in the finale -.- Posted over a year ago
xSireSolphiex commented…
I soo agree with you!!!!...especially with the whole ray and ziva kiss scene at the end..i wanted to freakin throw something at the dang TV over a year ago
Lie_to_Me_123 commented…
Please don't, I'm gonna throw up at any moment. over a year ago
SpikesSlayer08 commented…
Yeah i was so disappointment the final was a bit of a let down and when Ray and Ziva kissed i wanted to break my TV over a year ago
beachytivagurl commented…
I couldn't believe that either. And Ziva wasn't there for the funeral too! She was with Ray... over a year ago
purpleyes said about NCIS
Most disappointing finale EVER -.- Posted over a year ago
NCIS_Addict_87 commented…
It was... something.... I'm still processing over a year ago
Mallory101 commented…
Agreed. over a year ago
Tivaforever487 commented…
It was crazily and angrily brilliant in my eyes. The action was top notch and the suspence was crazy but what I expected and what WANTED never happened... And I'm confused over a year ago
purpleyes commented…
While I agree with Tivaforever, I was hoping for more personal interaction between the characters :/ The only thing I was really happy with was the scene with Abby and McGee towards the beginning. over a year ago
purpleyes said about Damon & Elena
Best episode EVER :D Posted over a year ago
purpleyes said about Damon & Elena
Amazing freaking episode.. like...
So much stuff. Can't wait to see what happens in the next episode :D Posted over a year ago
Delenarocs commented…
I know i thought we would get Klaus as a cliffhanger and now we have to wait till april man i am so angry over a year ago
purpleyes commented…
I'm not lol. As long as all this good stuff keeps happening in the middle, I'm alright to wait for Klaus. over a year ago