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rabia168 said about Perfect Chemistry
rules of attraction is the best out of all of them Posted over a year ago
rabia168 said about Romeo and Juliet
its so sad i love it so much Posted over a year ago
rabia168 said about Silence
just finished silence and i cant belive what happens it so exciting Posted over a year ago
browntyreshop commented…
I haven't read it yet! :'( over a year ago
FallingAngel commented…
In the mids of reading it, sooo totally lovin it!!! hehe :D over a year ago
rabia168 said about Hush, Hush
i just finished silence its so good hank dies Posted over a year ago
tinzn92 commented…
DUDE, spoilers. But yeah, thank god! :) over a year ago
2dolphn97 commented…
Fuck!!! You spoiled it for me!!! >:( I was in the middle of reading it goddamn it!! over a year ago
HushDIGEST commented…
He is the father of Marcie Millar :)) over a year ago
rabia168 said about Hush, Hush
hey guys i bought the third book silence today and its so wierd patch erases her mind so she never remember knowing him or more inportant loving him and he vanishes
Posted over a year ago
rabia168 said about Patch Cipriano
you no patch isnt his real name it jud cipriano but i no patch sounds alot better
Posted over a year ago
rabia168 commented…
jev cipriano over a year ago
rabia168 said about Hush, Hush
guess what i just foound out there going to be a forth book it not a romor i saw it on the offical fan website Posted over a year ago
rabia168 said about Taylor Lautner
who ever made this club you need his smile in the icon we NEED it Posted over a year ago
rabia168 said about Evermore
in the very last book they become mortal
they only did it so when they die they wont go to shadow land Posted over a year ago
musicislight commented…
geez u gotta spoil it for them im on the last one but i already know what happens cuz i read ahead...hehe over a year ago