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xSannanas said …
I've a question (if you don't mind). (:
Did you saw ''vampires suck''?
If you do, did you liked it?
If you don't, why not?
I'm asking you this because of your answer/comment on the question ''whos going to see vampires suck the fist day its out''
According to you, you can't like ''vampires suck'' if you're a ''Twilight'' fan, right?
Tell me if I'm wrong. (:

X Posted over a year ago
goofiegirl14 said …
heyyy! i saw you were a fan of charlie st cloud would you please join the club i made for sam st cloud? thanks! Posted over a year ago
goofiegirl14 commented…
thanks so much for joining! over a year ago
rmaynard commented…
Your welcome over a year ago
rmaynard said …
Hey whats up!!!! I have nothing to say soo here I am posting stuff on my wall thing. Posted over a year ago