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What's uppppppppppp vampire diaries family!!!!!!! Lol Posted over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
hi over a year ago
sdurivouxo said about Stefan & Elena
@ HHR08 but she said this :(

The first part of The Vampire Diaries season 4 is supposed to show Stefan and Elena together at least for a bit, even though the transition is going to mean that Elena will remember all those times Damon compelled her. .

Posted over a year ago
sdurivouxo commented…
However, she's not just going to leave Stefan. She chose him because she never stopped loving him, and just because she's going to have these new memories doesn't mean that's going to change. Instead, that should make for an interesting dynamic between the three over a year ago
twilighter4evr commented…
no matter what happens in S4 as long as they put SE back together @ the end of every season I'm good with it cause I don't want the show to get the ax like tsc did with several loose ends so as long as each season finale ends good with SE i'll be happy =) over a year ago
HHR08 commented…
Totally agree. They ARE the show. <3 over a year ago
sdurivouxo said about Stefan & Elena
Hey everyone I had to make a new account I have no idea what happened :( I tried putting a cute picture up of Paul , Nina and Ian and then it randomly suspended me from my page?? Please refan me!!! I went by the name shannonxoxo before thanks guys ! :) Posted over a year ago
Warrior-Petrova commented…
Added :) over a year ago
sdurivouxo commented…
Thankyou :) over a year ago
HHR08 commented…
Haha... And hopefully they give it back soon!:) over a year ago