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serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
We got scenes in 5x18! Although most of it was with them fighting - I thought Serena was being kind of a bitch to Nate.

The episode ended with Nate firing her from the Spectator, and saying he was right not to trust her =(

Hopefully the fact that they don't work together anymore doesn't mean that we won't be getting scenes again from now on Posted over a year ago
serenateaddict commented…
Nate and Serena have scenes, thats given but them fighting all the time is like WHAT?! I hope that doesn't truly lose their trust to each other just plesae no. over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
We know guys that Serenate are going to have scenes but Josh said,it is not going to be romantic so it is obvious that it will be with them fighting!THANKS WRITERS! :@ over a year ago
MichaelB commented…
I think Nate will soon regret firing Serena, for business as well as personal reasons. over a year ago
serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
NS Fans with twitter: link Posted over a year ago
serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
"100th Episode Spoilers: For Dan and Serena, Blair pushes for Serena to tell Dan how she really feels about him, which may lead to a "grand gesture" from Serena. Sorry Nate and Serena fans, no moments for you, as Nate is busy making googly-eyes at the real Charlie, who is a cater-waiter (How Dan Humphrey of her!)."

Argh, why am I NOT surprised?! I think I'm officially done with this stupid show. Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
Damn!Why Blair??? over a year ago
serenateaddict commented…
bullshit! so am i. im sick of waiting for nothing! over a year ago
serenate502 commented…
wow, I see why this show is going down lmao DS can go down with it over a year ago
serenate_brucas commented…
I don't understand why the writers try so hard to make Derena work when it's obvious that they both moved on with their lives! Serena having romantic feelings for Dan AGAIN is such a lame and forced storyline... over a year ago
serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
Ugh, there are now filming pics of Nate kissing some blond girl (who's probably the real Charlie Rhodes). I hope they're not planning to do a Real Charlie/Nate/Ivy triangle.

Looks like the second half of S5 is gonna be awful for us again, especially with all the probable DSB(+Chuck) stuff. Posted over a year ago
serenateaddict commented…
Screw them all! What I hate about this show is that everything is CB! CB! CB! And the DS buildup sucked hell! I think this is far the worst season ever followed by season 4! over a year ago
Ganaax3 commented…
I couldn't agree more! over a year ago
serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
So I was excited for 5x10 cos I thought we were going to get NS scenes, but I just watched the writers' episode preview for it, and it looks like Serena's gonna have feelings for Dan again.

Ugh Posted over a year ago
bright_angel commented…
IKR!I can;t believe this is hapenning again!Derena! :@ over a year ago
ns4eva commented…
But wasn't it sad she needed GG to remind her of how her relationship with Dan went? Why couldn't she remember on her own? over a year ago
serenateaddict commented…
@isabellebadgley NO YOU'RE THE ONE WHO IS STUPID ENOUGH BASHING OUR SPOT! over a year ago
serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
So all we got from 5x08 were two phone calls between NS.

But I like the fact that now, Nate is Serena's boss lol (although Nate being editor-in-chief is pretty ridiculous, even for this show) Posted over a year ago
Ganaax3 commented…
well, at least we could see them interact together. :o over a year ago
ns4eva commented…
But did you notice that in the first call he chose to do what Serena wanted and not what Diana, his supposed girlfriend, wanted? over a year ago
isabellebadgley commented…
eww, serenate? never getting back together, you wish over a year ago
serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
Question: Any scoop on Dan and Serena getting back together on Gossip Girl? —Carrie
Ausiello: Possibly. When I grilled Safran about Serena’s romantic prospects, the Gossip boss told me that S will soon “find herself looking back at what successful relationships she can count in her past.” Unless I’m mistaken, that list begins and ends with Dan.

Ugh @ probable DS again. But I could be fine with it, if it's meant to be their "one last shot" or whatever Posted over a year ago
headstrongshiho commented…
but when season 3 epic NS began, they said NS is going to be the longest out of all serena's relationships....ausiello, please be mistaken! over a year ago
fluffiness commented…
NO! THAT dreadful ship needs to continue sinking! It sucks that we only got scenes in the premiere.. >:( over a year ago
MichaelB commented…
I don't see that DS were successful. over a year ago
serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
Part of the description for 5x08:

"Nate and Serena find a silver bullet in Diana’s war against Gossip Girl, but struggle about whether to use it or not."

Can't wait for NS to start interacting Posted over a year ago
reddooralways commented…
It was about time :) over a year ago
smckinlay2 commented…
NS working together <3 over a year ago
EllieLupin91 commented…
FINALLY! over a year ago
bklynlove commented…
Yes! over a year ago
serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
Ugh, did anyone watch 5x05? I HATED the way Serena said that Dan was the love of her life Posted over a year ago
nneellliii commented…
ME, too! I mean WTF???!!! DID they ever EVEN bother to read the frist pages of the books?!!!! Because last time I checked this was a show based on a book, in which Serena dated Dan for 2 weeks and never even loved anyone except Nate!!!!!! over a year ago
bily commented…
they are so fucking asshole if i am the writer of that book i will sue them! they just use the title thats all!! over a year ago
reddooralways commented…
Maybe Serena said it just to get the mmovie deal? I don't know, I'm just desperate. Desperate for an NS and CB endgame over a year ago
serenate_ns said about Serena and Nate
So what did you guys think of the NS scenes in 5x01? I'm a little disappointed that they cut out the part in one of the scenes where Serena grabs Nate's chin (it was in one of the filming vids - I thought it was cute) but other than that, I loved seeing them act as the happy, adorable BFFs they are.

Now we just need the romance factor to kick in too. Posted over a year ago
miikaru commented…
Honestly, im not happy. As much as there are NS scenes, the fact that josh said they will be friends only still bothers me... Yeah i was rooting for the chin part then i was like wtf did they not include the chin part?! I loathe those gg writers right now... What keeps me watching now is Dair or Chair, so... Yeah, im disappointed and sad. over a year ago
smckinlay2 commented…
I enjoyed the scenes we got I think its good Serena and Nate are friends right now I believe they'll find their way back to each other <3 over a year ago
serenate_lover2 commented…
...the scenees kinda disappointed me but i have a feeling their building uppp to something... over a year ago