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Roderich_E gave me props for my images
*grins* Why thank you, Miss shadowqueen35. I am very appreciative you would take the time to tell me such a pleasant compliment. Danke...! Posted over a year ago
shadowqueen35 commented…
Danke to you as well Mr. Austria! ^_^ over a year ago
Roderich_E gave me props for my links
Oh my! *takes book and looks it over* This is a wonderfully lovely songbook, and the fact you would go out of your way to retrieve such a gift for me is so selfless. I am very happy you could find this marvelous book — danke. *grins*
Would you happen to be an admirer of Beethoven and Mozart as well? They are two of my favorite composers of all time, as you can see. They were, and still are, magnificent people. Posted over a year ago
shadowqueen35 commented…
Actually yes, Mozart and Beethoven were the first composers I was ever introduced to. In fact one of my friends from school and I could play Mozart’s “Sonata for four hands in C major” She also taught me how to play Beethoven’s Fleur Elise *blushes* it was kinda hard for me but I guess I’ve gotten better according to her. *nervous laugh* Although, I do pride myself on learning one song by ear alone: “The First Noel”, My parents beg me to play it every Christmas. over a year ago
Roderich_E commented…
Is that so? Well, you must be very well-educated. Fur Elise is one of my favorites, as well as Moonlight Sonata. It's a very melancholic song, yet charming and beautiful all the same. *sighs dreamily* You learned The First Noel by ear? My, that's something to congratulate yourself on! Well done! *applauds* over a year ago
shadowqueen35 commented…
*plays it for him, as I do tears of happiness form at the memories of play it at so many family gatherings* Still haven't lost my touch *sighs happily* over a year ago
BeanieSparrow said …
Nice motto. Wanna be friends Posted over a year ago
CptnSparrow said …
Nice motto! can we be friends Posted over a year ago
shadowqueen35 commented…
Of course! over a year ago