My Wall

siean said about Sonic Fan Characters
xD it's been a looooong time since I've passed by, anyone remembers me? xDDDDDDDD Posted over a year ago
siean commented…
YAY! THANKS! over a year ago
siean said about Sonic Fan Characters
and my answer flew down just like that?...!
Wow! I gotta say this club is moving faster than sonic himself!

anyway ... if someone was interested to put his character in a pic like this:

just put your request here:

I'm not that awful Artist anyway xD Posted over a year ago
shadow-g said …
hi im from DA!! Posted over a year ago
Sonic said …
what program you use for your renders Posted over a year ago
siean said about Dainamix - Alive!
xD Look Down | |
| | This will be a theme of on of my future Movies! trust me you will say : WHAT THE
\ / HELL! Because it will have Evil you've never imagined!
\ /
' Posted over a year ago
siean commented…
I wonder if that makes me a criminal! over a year ago
Sonic commented…
XD over a year ago
siean said about Dainamix - Alive!
Welcome To My HELL!! Dainamix! The new Dark Ruler of The World! Posted over a year ago
siean said about Sonic Fan Characters
if someone wants to take a lesson in 3D ( whatever you want in it ) then hurry up here!
link Posted over a year ago
siean said about Sonic Fan Characters
guys! I am offering a lesson that will help you to make your characters in 3D! I made this because many people has asked me to make their characters and couldn't have time to , so if anyone wants this lesson hurry up because my time is too limited on laptop!
if you don't have the program or don't know anything about 3D don't worry I'll start from zero! Posted over a year ago
siean commented…
it looks like no one wants! ^.^' if someone wants post here that you want and I'll wait , otherwise I'll wait for 10 minuts and go to do something else ^.^ sorrry I don't have much time! over a year ago
sydni2001 commented…
I'll Take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! over a year ago
siean commented…
ALRIGHT ! if I could get you online you'll have it! xD over a year ago
sydni2001 gave me props for my images
Can you make a 3d model of my character, Sydni the cat? PLEASE! I NEED THIS. I would DIE to have one. If you do it, here's what she looks like. You can go to my profile and see the chick as a sonic fan character. She is the purple one. You're so great at this!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
MephilesTheDark gave me props for my images
Oi you. Request you asked for; link Posted over a year ago