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simplyymeee said about Serena and Nate
i'm reposting this cuz i don't think that many people saw my post, and i would like to know what you guys think:

did u guys see that nate wanted to ask serena out to lunch in the 4x13 episode (can we seen on his phone while he is texting)....what happened to that? did he not send the text or did serena not want to see him cuz they didn't mention it afterwards :P Posted over a year ago
ns4eva commented…
Must have missed that, do you have a pic of the text? over a year ago
serenate_ns commented…
I thought it was Eric, not Nate? over a year ago
vampired_fan commented…
that was eric... over a year ago
simplyymeee said about Serena and Nate
did u guys see that nate wanted to ask serena out to lunch in the 4x13 episode? (in the begining)....what happened to that. did he not send the text or did serena not want to see him? Posted over a year ago
barkenfan commented…
× I have no idea lmfao!!!! I haven´t seen that episode, I wait until tomorrow cause the show is cancelled in my country, I asume he doesn´t even know she chose Dan lol!! over a year ago
serenateaddict commented…
I watched it but i didnt see it...:( which part did u see it? over a year ago
serenate_lover commented…
Wasn't that Eric who asked her? over a year ago
simplyymeee commented…
noooo!!! if you guys re-watch the beginning of the episode...while nates textig the text says "do you wanna go out for lunch" or something similar to that! over a year ago
simplyymeee said about Serena and Nate
i'm loosing hope in serenate =( much as i hope it will happen between them. i'm pretty sure that it never will now after the last episode.

how times can the writers possibly make derena get back together unless they are actually meant to be with each other. i can't believe that i'm saying this but...i guess that derena really is endgame :'( Posted over a year ago
sugarfairee commented…
I'm worried too :( over a year ago
gishni commented…
"Eg Nate/Blair season 1 = Chuck/Blair at the end of the season, Nate/Serena season3 = Dan/Serena at the end of the season :/ so im sure theres more installed for us NSers :)" Right "Guys,I will wait for the since the last minute of the show! " aaand me too. over a year ago
gishni commented…
"Nate won the poll at CW." I soooo wish producers had seen this because it´s the most close you can get to the truth cuz in that poll you can´t vote twice, is one vote per computer so cheaters to the left. Please do me a favor stupid JS and take a HUGE look at that poll!!! over a year ago