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Kiniko90 gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Thanks for the add! Posted over a year ago
Kiniko90 commented…
Nice motto by the way. Are you a Douglas Adams fan? over a year ago
tridentbearer1 commented…
Yes. Yes i am. *wanders off wondering who the heck Douglas Adams is* over a year ago
Kiniko90 commented…
Haha! Your quote up there is from a 5 part Sci-fi series called The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. If you like reading, you should give it a try. I personally loved it :) over a year ago
frankthe2nd gave me props for my images
Thanks for the add Posted over a year ago
It kinda sucks that so few people know about this club cause I know people who would jump this club if they knew it exsisted.P.S. Did anyone hear about the new movie James McAvoy is starring in? P.P.S. Does anyone else hate antislashers (and homophobes for that matter)? Posted over a year ago
wisegurl gave me props for my articles
Lol nice saying!! Watever!!! Posted over a year ago
tridentbearer1 commented…
THANK YOU!! you are the first person who said that to me! over a year ago
GreekRULES515 gave me props for my comments
hi im now ur fan btw if u live in germany how can u speak english so ahem gutintaag thts the only word ik in german Posted over a year ago
GreekRULES515 commented…
thx for the ADD over a year ago