My Wall

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clarksonbrooks gave me props for my comments
Thanks for the link!! Just a pity my internet is so slow that it won't work. If only I'd finished Season 3 earlier then I could have started watching Season 4 on ITV 2!! Posted over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx commented…
You're welcome! It takes a while to load for me too, I usually wait half an hour for the video to load, go off and do something else while I wait lol. It is a shame you didn't finish it a bit earlier lol :) over a year ago
clarksonbrooks commented…
Yeah I know, I'm hoping they'll repeat all the episodes again, I don't want to wait until the dvd release in August!! over a year ago
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tvd_Rachelxx said about Damon & Elena
So I think I watched the episode about 13 hours ago and I'm still like :O I can't get over Damon's face when Elena tells him she loves him. Actually, I can't get over both their faces; I love how she's got this big grin on her face too!! I can't wait for their reunion. Our ship is flawless :D Posted over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx said about Nina Dobrev
Keep voting for Nina like crazy for People's Choice! She really deserves to win :) link Posted over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
voted over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx said about Damon & Elena
I wonder if they will find another way to break the sire bond. I mean I know the witch said that Damon had to let Elena go but Stefan found a cure for the werewolf bite when it seemed there was no way, maybe there's hope yet? Posted over a year ago
campyvamp commented…
I'm thinking since it's linked to emotions, Elena might have to shut off her human switch and be feelingless for a while. Much like to stop feeling grateful, you have to nix the reason you are grateful. over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx commented…
Ah good theory, but I didn't think the bond effected her emotions? over a year ago
ggdelena commented…
i kinda want elena to find a way to break the sire bond over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx commented…
Yeah, that could be good. I hope she continues to fight for Damon. :) over a year ago
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tvd_Rachelxx said about Damon & Elena
I have not been on fanpop for...god knows how long, but since the latest episode I had an urge to come on here and fangirl. Because seriously, DEX HAPPENED! *Damon dance*
Oh and I think we all need to give Jeremy a round of applause, he's past his cockblocking ways. :D Posted over a year ago
Claire1896 commented…
lol XD you're right! over a year ago
lovesobrev commented…
SO RIGHT U ARE over a year ago
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tvd_Rachelxx said about Damon & Elena
i just have one thing to say...OMFG Delena kiss! it was so amazing, sweet, beautiful! can't wait to see more scenes from our favourite couple x) <3 Posted over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx said about Damon & Elena
haven't been on here since the other day, please tell me all that crap the troll posted was removed..? xx Posted over a year ago
epicdelena4ever commented…
it was over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx commented…
oh good :) over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx said about Damon & Bonnie
Guys, Bamon and Delena fans dont usually work together but we need to now, to get that stupid shit head from posting crap on our spots! report them xx Posted over a year ago
BB8fan commented…
Working on it! Man this dude makes us ALL look like freakin ANGELS!!! Glad we can put aside our differences and work together! :D Hopefully we'll have them off of the site soon! over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx commented…
i know right! lol. yeah hopefully enough of us can work together to get them off the site soon, :) over a year ago
DeeaAndreea gave me props for my images
Thanks for adding me back:)Love your icons and your motto Posted over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx commented…
you're welcome! and thanks! :) <33 over a year ago
tvd_Rachelxx said about Nina Dobrev
We are trying to trend Nina Dobrev on twitter to show how much we love her! if you got a twitter acc join in! :) x Posted over a year ago