My Wall

Max277 gave me props for my images
Hi! I added you, i saw you liked the host & twilight, so do i! :) here is a prop for liking them!! :D Posted over a year ago
big smile
twihard203 gave me props for my links
Hey what's up? I'm Brittany, Mia's sister. Here's a prop for joining Cullen-family-and-Jake!! I just added you, will you add me back? Posted over a year ago
big smile
mia444 gave me props for my answers
Hey I just made a new club for Bella, it's
and one for all the Cullens it's
I'd really appreciate it if you joined!! I'll give you a prop for each one you join. Here's one for joining MiAmoreEdwardCullen!! Posted over a year ago
twilight7401 said about Sirius Black
Sirius was my favorite character since book 3!!! Cried for about ten minutes when he died, and I didn't pick the book back up for another twenty minutes. I love his fatherly relationship relationship with Harry!!!! Or, loved. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he's dead, really dead!!!!! :( Posted over a year ago
percyjackson25 gave me props for my comments
Aww. Thanks for the prop, too! Posted over a year ago
twilight7401 said about Amanda Hocking
I LOVE Amanda Hocking!!!!!!! I read the first two books in the watersong series and I loved it. I couldn't put it down. I'll be done with the third book within the first day it's out. Posted over a year ago
ebcullen4ever gave me props for my comments
i love edward and bella FOREVER as well!!!!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
mia444 gave me props for my images
Hey girl what's up? Did you want to join my clubs? One is for Team Edward fans MiAmoreEdwardCullen. And the one I just made is for Edward and Bella. Edward&Bella by(mia444) just let me know, have a great day hun Posted over a year ago
kamdeon12 said …
Hey;) Posted over a year ago
twilight7401 commented…
hey kam! over a year ago
twilight7401 said about The Host
Best book ever! I can't wait for the movie! Stephanie Meyer is my all time favorite author. Posted over a year ago