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twilightpheonix said …
i've been currently in the process of designing a house of night slide show that captures what I think the characters look like with a gothic twist with scenes from almost every book so far with a sound track. I will release it once completed and if anyone can give me a heads up on how to post it on this site i will greatly appreciate it brightest blessings to all mmwoah!! Posted over a year ago
twilightpheonix said …
New series read by becca fitzgerald hush hush, crucedo, and currently near the end of silence great read action packed and hot fallen angel girls its a must read.. love to all Posted over a year ago
twilightpheonix said …
while waiting for hon's next series to be released i discovered another book by a new author the book is called " unearthly" great read and is the first book in a trilogy based on angels Posted over a year ago
Brightest blessings wanted to share how much i enjoyed dragons oath please all hon readers read it. I hope more of them are written xxxxxx Posted over a year ago
SamanthaT commented…
Lenobia's Vow comes out in Jan 2012 Xx over a year ago
twilightpheonix commented…
thanks so much i'll be looking forward to that over a year ago
Reneseme_Cullen commented…
me too. over a year ago
nybabystar commented…
whats dragons oath about over a year ago
just finnished reading passion it took me 1 week i couldn't put it down! thanks for another cliff hanger. lauren kate i enjoy this series with everything you put into it including the research well done lovin it xxxx Posted over a year ago
isabellabiebs commented…
Hope passion gets better coz im reading it and its not sounding as good as the other 2 books:) over a year ago
twilightpheonix commented…
oh it does continue cos it leads up to the next book i was a bit like that but like some episodes you have some boring bits but its crucial to the story line over a year ago
Shelly_McShelly gave me props for my images
Please join my spot for Passion by Lauren Kate
Here's the link: link Posted over a year ago
Shelly_McShelly gave me props for my videos
! Posted over a year ago
twilightpheonix commented…
thanks shelly mmmwooah! over a year ago
i'm so lovin this series i can't wait for the next episode every time i watch it have to say i'm a sucker for damon salvatore hmmmm Posted over a year ago
twilightpheonix said …
finished watching true blood seasons 1 and 2 can see 3 ain't got fox :( Posted over a year ago
I've recieved the HON handbook its great most of the grading emblem designs were designed from australia even explains what happens and how the dark daughters were formed Posted over a year ago