My Wall

big smile
Before i get into all that lovey dovey crap let me say this, wow fanpop has changed! Or maybe it's just me, but to be honest, it's been years since I've been on his website so I don't know. First how is everyone? (Waves like a weirdo 🙋) I wanted to stop by and say hi since this is where my obsession with his series starter, and made a lots of friends on here, but sadly I don't think their here anymore, but if any of the oldies are here say hi don't be shy! Anyways laters
~jesse~ Posted over a year ago
venus143 commented…
Lol is it weird that the only reason I remembered my password is because o found it in one of my old journals while packing up my room ha-ha! Seriously though I've found things I thought I lost years ago😑 over a year ago
Athenabeth gave me props for my comments
Hey! Are you back for good? I left ages ago and then tried to come back a while ago but kept forgetting. I might try to a]come back for real this time. Posted over a year ago
venus143 said about Mortal Instruments
Gosh i love these books so much their like my favorite series in the entire world!!!!!! Posted over a year ago
OMG lovin the book so far it's so amazing and for the people who still don't have it i recomened getting it soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been wating for so long for the book and it's finally here Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lovin it just 3 more chapters to go and i'm finally done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Oh and question!! are we still going to have the ruels against spoilers?) Posted over a year ago
meredog commented…
yes... u cant give out huge spoilers on here.. like u cant say if someone dies or anything on here... but u can say if there was a big clify or if percy and jason r friends or something like that!! if u want to post big spoilers such as someone dies... or if percy and jason fight make an article and list some spoilers!! call it BIG SPOILERS OF MOA!!! umm... thats about it!!! over a year ago
universalpowa commented…
NO SPOILERS over a year ago
mitska32 commented…
Can't wait to finally read MOA!!! No spoilers unless made obvious pls. over a year ago
nevenkastar gave me props for my links
Thx 4 the add back

Please Join


Posted over a year ago
venus143 commented…
no prob and ok i'll do it later though:) over a year ago
So I was reading the Kane chronicle and noticed that Rick gave a lot of hints that he might do a Percy Jackson and Kane chronicle clash. Since on the second to last chapter Sadie's mom tells her that she sees other gods and different magic in the future! (I was like oooooooo) but it would be awesome if Percy did fight along side the Kane's I would totally read that:) Posted over a year ago
LORDCHAOS commented…
I wouldn't over a year ago
meredog commented…
^y wouldnt u LORDCHAOS???? i would over a year ago
fireyes commented…
no. percy and the gang would win because A. piper could charmspeak them, B.leo would melt felix's ice and penguins,C. annabeth would come up with a totaly awesome plan,D hazel could ok im stuck on that one,E. frank could turn into anything he wants (take that as a warning shabti lion) F. percy could summon up a tornado (or whatever it was) or wave. G. jason could summon lighting and winds and all that. and i really took the time write this. over a year ago
I am so confused right now is there going to be a new character in the books/ Because i keep reading it all around the club? Posted over a year ago
daedae26 commented…
thats what I keep reading and its confuzling the heck out of me! over a year ago
meredog commented…
i just hope the new character isnt a brother or sister of Percy. that would suck!!!! over a year ago
mich9250 commented…
wait there's a new character in MoA? WHAT?! Wow, I'm not keeping up with things... over a year ago
thanathos13 said …
Ello govna!!! In a couple of days it's my dogs birthday Posted over a year ago
venus143 commented…
Haha ok well it was my birthday on Monday! over a year ago
anaklusmus17 said …
Sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. I asked why: ... The angel said: " angel don't watch over angels! " Twenty angels are IN your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, one is reading this message. Send this to ten friends. If i don't get one back, I'm not one of them. As soon as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you....:) ♥ Posted over a year ago
hollistergurl gave me props for my pop quiz questions
Sent an angel to watch over you last night, but it came back. I asked why: ... The angel said: " angel don't watch over angels! " Twenty angels are IN your world. Ten of them are sleeping, nine are playing, one is reading this message. Send this to ten friends. If i don't get one back, I'm not one of them. As soon as you get five replies, someone you love will quietly surprise you....:) Posted over a year ago